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Everything posted by MostlySunny

  1. Hi Blanche, I'm new to this forum, but have been vaping over 2 years. On another forum, I have frequently read people post that they need 36 mg. Some eventually lowered to 24, some don't. It was totally inappropriate for that vendor to toss your 36mg and sell you his 18mg. !! Now if you'd told him you were vaping 60mg or higher, he could have indicated that amount would seem a bit too high. 36mg is not "pure poison." He is uneducated in that regard. I generally vape 18 to 24 mg regular 100%VG nic based e-liquids. 36 seems strong for me, but there are those that need that much, it depends on the person and what they are used to in smoking cigarettes. I buy some ready-made and I also DIY. I also use naturally extracted tobacco's from a couple suppliers and, in addition, I supplement with something called Whole Tobacco Alkaloids (WTA's for short.) from 2 suppliers currently, and will be trying a 3rd (new vendor) to see if what he sells are Nets or WTAs. Welcome to the journey. That's what I've been calling it. My quit 2 packs a day and started vaping e-cigs journey lol:)
  2. I've tried it from Alice in vapeland about a year ago and liked it. I bought several of their sample packs and liked quite a few. Then I got into DIY so never reordered from them.
  3. Hi Blanche, I've been vaping over 2 years. I've bought some NETs and they do taste more like cigs because they are naturally extracted tobaccos. People who soak or extract these get more "real" flavor because they're using actual cigarette, pipe or cigar tobaccos. They tend to gunk coils though because of the fact that the resulting liquid is not clear, but rather cloudy due to the residue from the extraction process.
  4. Hi Shirley:) What 4 bottles from where? what flavors? what PG/VG? what mg?
  5. Where's that poll? TIA
  6. That's what I've heard, the imitation is nasty stuff lol.
  7. This may sound strange, but not only do I have to rotate many flavors throughout the day, I vape unflavored in between as well. Have you ever vaped unflavored, plain nic juice? It's boring but, surprisingly, after vaping it for a few minutes, the others that are flavored really pop once again.
  8. When I'm not doing my DIY, my go-to vendor is HeathersHeavenlyVapes. I need to vape 100% VG so my e-liquids seem to need to age a few weeks to be at their best flavor for me. I also use Boba's Bounty (the original one from AVE (Alien Visions ejuice) not the fake one that sprang up recently with a similar name. Good luck:)
  9. I've never had juice separate from vendors or my own DIY. I wonder what caused that and what those juices were made with!
  10. I use 100% VG because I have adverse reactions to PG. Itching and burning sensations etc.
  11. I'm alternating between Legend, Boba's Bounty, unflavored and my DIY mixes.
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