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Everything posted by guitardoc64

  1. I started vaping at 24 mg too. I'm down to 6 after three and a half years. I am planning on dropping to 3 and then maybe move to 0 by the end of the year.
  2. I've been vaping over 3 years. I'm in better health at 52 than I was at 42. I've also gotten more well-meaning advice or comment since vaping than I ever did when I was killing myself with cigarettes.
  3. I have a pair of them from when I worked for Boeing. I haven't used them for vaping wire, but they did the trick for safety wire on electrical connector backshells.
  4. I'm using the Kanger subtank mini with the RBA deck and the longest time I got out of a coil was almost 8 months. I was changing the wick every few weeks. It's easy to learn how, and I can replace the wick and be up and running in less than ten minutes. I really prefer the flavor versus the premade coils, and the cotton is a lot cheaper. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  5. Voodoo from Cajun Vapes. Watermelon with a touch of citrus and a cool exhale. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  6. I have seen a lot of research, and according to the British College of Medicine, the conclusion was that vaping is harmless. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  7. Ecblends for juice, I stick with local shops for the hardware. Vapor Stop close to home even has a drive through. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  8. Yes! Lake Charles Vapor, CC vapes and Elite Vapor are all great places. LCV is rba headquarters, CC has lots of flavors and Elite has all sorts of specials.
  9. I'm in Lake Charles.
  10. The only difference is that the 3 is dual coil. The process of cleaning is the same.
  11. I have noticed something else that's thicker since I started vaping...
  12. Get an itaste vv 3. It's not any bigger than an ego battery, variable volts and watts and can be gotten in that price range. It is ego and 510 threaded so just about any topper will fit.
  13. I have my kpt 2 on my vv amd it works out fine. I am looking at a zmax telescopic or Tesla for my next mod.
  14. The mini 3 drip tip is kind of wierd being tubular. It sure puts out the vapor! If I didn't get a protank 2 I might have gotten it. The construction of the 3 looks really good but the coil assembly is bigger for the dual coils and takes up some space. The only real concern ffor me was the capacity as I said before. With it putting out so much vapor it will probably have to be refilled often.
  15. Hi and welcome. I visited a friend in Arvada last fall and am thinking of moving there in the next couple of years.
  16. I tried one out at my local b&m and it is nice. Lots of vapor. I already have a mini 2 so it's not a priority to get it. My only concern is capacity. I got a protank 2 because I was refilling the mini a couple of times a day.
  17. I was playing at a local casino and they had this beast backstage. It's a hazer which is basically the same thing as a fog machine. This and a couple of quarts of juice.....
  18. I had to watch it 3 times to get all the stuff that I missed while I was laughing.
  19. Congrats and welcome! You are starting a wonderful journey that I've been on a little more than a month. I started with a similar setup, love my Protank mini but got a Protank 2 for it's greater capacity. I was refilling the mimi 3 times a day and the Protank 2 lasts me all day.
  20. Wow. Thanks for sharing. PV's could have been out for decades. Im just glad that they are here now. I just wish I'd started this sooner.
  21. Kids these days, jeez. In my day they were huffing room deodorizer called locker room. One of my classmates died doing that. I keep my stuff far out of reach of my 4 year old, but she would know better anyway.
  22. EC blends RY4 in my Kanger Protank 2. I have a mix of that and Golden Virginia in a protank mini and Try Layers in a clearomizer.
  23. Hi all! I'm new to the forum but have been a former smoker over a month. I'm here looking for info,tips and whatever else can make vaping better.
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