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    sherylanne got a reaction from joejoevapekins in Teens being tempted into smoking analogs by using e-cigs?   
    This is just down right idiotically stupid and should make no sense to the average person. Why would a teenager switch from vaping a Strawberry Shortcake, Bavarian Cream, Cinnamon Danish, (you name the flavor) e-cig to smoking a nasty tobacco, poison filled, stinky, cough your head off cigarette? Oh yeah, that's what I would do if I were just starting out......
    Makes absolutely no sense.
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    sherylanne got a reaction from Mtdobies in Vape Rotation   
    Pretty sweet. I've only been vaping a little over a month and I already had a rotation, and didn't even know it! I usually have about three different tanks with me at any given time and I rotate them throughout the day. :-)
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    sherylanne got a reaction from joe2003 in Dessert   
    Newbie, here. Found this by accident. OMG, it was meant to be. I don't know that it could get any better. I get strong cream (Bavarian) on the inhale, then a berry pops in to say hi, but only briefly, and vanilla cupcake is all over the exhale. Leet Vape is the creator. They are fairly new and located in Huntsville, AL. I haven't tried any of their other flavors, but then again, why would I? This little jewel is all I really need.
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    sherylanne got a reaction from Joshuab3687 in Dessert   
    Newbie, here. Found this by accident. OMG, it was meant to be. I don't know that it could get any better. I get strong cream (Bavarian) on the inhale, then a berry pops in to say hi, but only briefly, and vanilla cupcake is all over the exhale. Leet Vape is the creator. They are fairly new and located in Huntsville, AL. I haven't tried any of their other flavors, but then again, why would I? This little jewel is all I really need.
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