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  1. Oh, and I notice you are from Ohio. All three of those vendors I mentioned have websites that you can order from.
  2. This is going to be trial and error. Trust me! I've been at it for 2 months, spent countless dollars, and still searching. I have found one that I don't think I will ever be without, and that is Dessert from Leet Vape, a small company in Huntsville AL. Creamy doesn't even begin to describe it. My second favorite is Blue Nutz from Down Home Vaping, another small company in North Alabama. His flavors seem to be the truest to description that I have found - not at all commercial. I also highly recommend checking out Strix Elixers. Their juices are pre-steeped and the customer service is outstanding. They are in Texas. Everything I have tried from them has been very, very pleasant, and you don't have to wait for it to steep. You will hear this a thousand times over "Taste is subjective." You're just going to have to find what YOU like. But it's fun trying.
  3. Just like his page on FB. After that you will see various posts from users and can get an idea of his popularity and maybe feel more secure about it. One thing I like is that he finds out what your setup is, and then gives you his recommendation of the best % to use. I haven't tried it yet but I plan to eventually.
  4. Yep, I don't leave home without it. I usually have two batteries set up and in rotation throughout the day. And when I get the urge to change flavors I have 4 other filled tanks to choose from. And God forbid you leave home without a charger..... Happened to me once. It won't happen again! So Giovanni, you use vodka to clean your tanks? What a great idea! I learn something new on this forum every time I log on.
  5. This is just down right idiotically stupid and should make no sense to the average person. Why would a teenager switch from vaping a Strawberry Shortcake, Bavarian Cream, Cinnamon Danish, (you name the flavor) e-cig to smoking a nasty tobacco, poison filled, stinky, cough your head off cigarette? Oh yeah, that's what I would do if I were just starting out...... Makes absolutely no sense.
  6. I have changed coils. In fact I'm on the 3rd coil (that came with the unit). Throat hit is not too harsh. It's practically non-existent, I guess because I've been keeping the power down. Maybe it's just not for me, but something is causing the burning, and I don't know what. Thanks for the input.
  7. No idea on the ohm. I don't currently have it on my Itaste so I can't check it. 50/50 or 60/40, 18 or 24 mg nic.
  8. And I'm using an Ego Twist (3.7V at the most) and a Itaste VV, set at a low 6W.
  9. OK, I have to ask. What is it that you like about these so much? Or what am I doing wrong?!? #1, it's too airy. So I cover up one or two of the air holes, and that helps somewhat. #2, I seem to burn the heck out of (something). Burnt tastes are common place when I use it. I have to treat it like a baby of sorts. Gently. Like I can't seem to chain vape it. I've told myself that I hate it, but I really would like to like it........
  10. Pretty sweet. I've only been vaping a little over a month and I already had a rotation, and didn't even know it! I usually have about three different tanks with me at any given time and I rotate them throughout the day. :-)
  11. Can someone explain exactly what you mean when you refer to your 'vape rotation'?
  12. Dessert - by Leet Vape. It is to die for. Well, not literally, but you get the idea!
  13. Vendor, please?
  14. Newbie, here. Found this by accident. OMG, it was meant to be. I don't know that it could get any better. I get strong cream (Bavarian) on the inhale, then a berry pops in to say hi, but only briefly, and vanilla cupcake is all over the exhale. Leet Vape is the creator. They are fairly new and located in Huntsville, AL. I haven't tried any of their other flavors, but then again, why would I? This little jewel is all I really need.
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