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  1. I'm having a bit of a problem with one of my plastic vivitanks. I've had this tank for about a month but the coil has gone bad, I ordered coils but they turned out to be VIVI NOVA coils, not plastic Vivi tank coils. I noticed the coil the plastic vivi tank came with is the kind that comes in MT3 and EVOD, but when i go to order MT3 or Evod coils they send me Kanger protank coils because they fit those models. the kanger protank fits the plastic vivi tank threading but the stem on the coil heads physically wont fit in the vivitanks center pipe. it also gives me an error reading on my SVD when i tried to get an ohm reading on the vivi base and protank coil. i've been told that kamry X10 protanks coils fit the vivi tank, but i'm afraid that they wont fit inside the plastic stem. I would just order some, but being left with a coil I can't use would be a bigger loss than having extra coils(the mt3,evod,vivi nova, and protank) that I can use. anybody have any experience with the plastic vivitanks?
  2. As I stated I've been vaping for almost three years and been DIY and modding for almost a year, but new to forums so forgive me if I am loose with some of the jargon. Just wanted to introduce myself, I've made liquids and at one poitn I was sellign my homemade liquids. I currently work for a vapor store but I am not posting here on thier behalf. i wanted to know, how many peopel here are DIY, make thier own liquids or mod?
  3. the plastic Vivi tanks, they arelike $5 and are great, but finding coils might be a challeng
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