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    New Hampshire

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  1. Greetings All I've been vaping for about 8 days now and just received my 2nd round of purchases, I started with a dual EGO-T kit with 900 Mah batteries. After about 3 days I was on the internet looking for "What's Next", it was at this time I started to realize just how deep this rabbit hole goes.. There are so many options and so many places to buy, how the heck does a new person navigate this (would you be offended if I call this a hobby) hobby. I quickly realized the EGO was an OK kit but didn't offer up much flexibility to explore this further (I will end up using these at work). I searched the various forums and again a bit overwhelmed at all the info, In the end I knew I wanted an easy draw tank that can be modified and rebuilt, I also knew I wanted "Variable Voltage" power source (unsure if that is actually what is being done, more like current limiting). I knew I wanted the batteries to be removable/replaceable.So off I went to YouTube then off to E-Bay. I'm amazed at how cheap this stuff is (I spend over $100 a month on cigars, my supplier will be kicking them selves for including a free E-Cig with one of my orders . my cigar smoking has dropped to 1 a day, from about 4) and settled on these 2 tanks. ProTank 3 and a Rocket Rebuildable Atomizer-Kayfun Clone both were cheap (not sure if the forum rules allow for saying how much you pay). I bought 8 16340 batteries (4 stand alone and 4 with a charger) And a eGo V6 MOD Variable Voltage 4v-5v-6v Vaporizer With 510 power source. I was lucky I found a tobacco flavored E-Liquid that I like within the first few days, and as I type I'm hitting it with the ProTank, the VV mod and my tobacco juice. WOW I am very happy with my selections (the juice actually tastes even better now). Today I ordered some 32 and 28 gauge wire for future tinkering, I'll build my own power source next using my own design (5-95% duty cycle PWN modulation firing a MOSFET, powered by 2 2,800 Mah A123 Li-Ion cells, these suckers have a 30C discharge rating). All this in 8 days, WOW does the rabbit hole suck you in Anyways, thanks for reading AFM
  2. All Thanks for the warm welcome Quick question, why doesn't the spell ckeck work here (FireFox with spell check enabled). I can't spell worth crap and need this to work . As an Electronics Engineer with 10 years flying remote controlled aircraft using Battery power only I may be able to add some value. I'm already thinking of using a pair of A123 LiIon cells with a Comfile PLC chip and a 30 amp MOSFET chip as a battery source ( the PLC lets me use PWM to control the MOSFET, this allows me to control the "Watt Second" from 0 to 32,000, now that is voltage control). Thanks for the welcome AFM
  3. HiYA New to Vaping (first week) and am looking for a comunity to join. I joined the big one but the pages turn so fast (7 minutes after my post, it was already down on page 2) I don't know how anyone can get a question answered. Regardless, I figured I'd check things out here so , HI ALL AFM
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