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Everything posted by BestVapes

  1. thanks compenstine! you the man
  2. What's up guys! I can't help but panic a little bit at the fact that the O Rings on my Helios after not using it for a little bit with the top off dried the O Rings out on the base. They broke! No O Rings are on the base now so thus no seal. I need to find new o rings for it and i've found a couple sites for them but I just don't know what size rings to get. Anyone have some experience with this type of situation? Future thanks! ~Justin
  3. I have to agree with Aqua on that last post. personally ordering Liquids from china is a waste. The only things worth attempting to buy from China are mods and maybe some RDA's because there prices are cheap for stuff like that, only downside is having to wait a little longer then say you bought the same product in the states for full price compared to the price you get whatever from China
  4. i was thinking a of a bottle or something
  5. Just picked up some sweet tarts and peach today! dripping peach tastes so good
  6. My friend it's all good!
  7. did the mvp 1 have the iTaste and MVP logo on the front along with their slogan on the back?
  8. I drink anywhere from half a liter - a liter of mountain dew a day. I do drink water though atleast a bottle (What I said earlier was just me being a wiseass haha) also red bull everyday
  9. ah well i will deffinetly check that out then! I want to take my time when building it and put as much effort into it as possible! TLC thanks for the suggestion proetus!
  10. I don't remember the last time I drank water... LOL I just drink mountain dew all day and vape.
  11. That policy usually only works with big companies like clothing, home and kitchen ware, etc stuff like that. I remember I was selling an Authentic 32gb Sony SD card and ebay took it down because sony said it was "Counterfeit" mean while I bought it at a BestBuy.. go figure.
  12. MVP is a damn good battery, I've been using mine for just under 6 months now and havent looked back.. just around at other stuff! Is that silver battery on top a skin or did you sand the shell down?! looks rad.
  13. the only reason i would make an aluminum enclosure is to preserve the build as best to its abilities. Although it would be more effective to have a rugged shell made of aluminum it still wouldnt be different then another other metal made mod.
  14. BestVapes

    I Wish!

    should coulda woulda :/
  15. i'll let you know how it goes! lol i currently have no materials.
  16. then go buy that vapecase for the iphone! haha I wouldnt want a phone vape.
  17. it's got a micro sd slot! Close enough don't you think?
  18. It'll be built correctly when a plan is formed and all the materials are collected. I will be doing a bunch of research to on how mods are built and get a good understanding of how to build one properly.
  19. Starting small and don't have money for that..
  20. I was gonna use a vtc4 or two
  21. I know its not a product watch anymore but it deffinetly caught a lot of attention. My god this mod is like a freaking iPhone but its a mod! It looks amazing and not to mention you can vape at a max of.... 168 WATTS?! WTF. I knew that a watt of that height was possible but when and how it was going to be presented was the big deal. Yes this mod looks amazing. Yes this mod kicks major buttocks, YES this mod is for all crazy sub ohm vapers! and yes its expensive. About $300.. but its the kind of expensive where you're kind of like... so yeah heres a complete break down of the mod by RiP Trippers! This could be a break through in the mod world by far. This is insane! Let me know what you think! ~Justin
  22. I would base the trade off how much a clone and authentic product total value is worth before trading. (Also include wear and tear to both your mod and the other persons offer) should be good.
  23. what did you trade for the kraken if you dont mind me asking? I think you win regardless of it being a clone or not. Kraken gets krankin!!
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