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Everything posted by VapeMama

  1. The Nautilus or the PT2 with airflow base produce the vapor I like. i do like the dual coil of the Nautilus. I use 1.6 or 1.8 coils in it. I vape mostly 50/50 juice.
  2. I have a few I vape regularly and keep in my rotation but I am always trying new flavors. It took me about 2-3 months to find the few that I can say I never want to be out of.
  3. Just got my Provari and Nautilus! Oh my, it's vaping Heaven!
  4. Might wanna get ready for the other 3 to grieve mightily their 'brother' died.
  5. Welcome!
  6. Welcome! Good choices on the gear! I have been smoke-free for 6 months. As Dobie said, taste changes as you go along. I have tried so many and some I started with I CAN'T stand now. But there are plenty of others I won't be without! Good luck on your vaping journey!
  7. Hello! Welcome to VT.
  8. To celebrate my 6 month VAPEaversary I just ordered me a Provari Mini! And of course, all the related necessities, PLUS a Nautilus tank!
  9. I hear that christov11! I just cashed out a small account I had so I'm trying to decide on the "next" vape gear purchase. I think I have it nailed down, then I change my mind. Oh the perils of SHINY-ITIS!
  10. Patricia, so am I! Been doing this for over 40 years. >>>sigh<<<<
  11. @mtdobies, it's just that HOF weekend is a HUGE thing around here. And the excitement builds up to the Grande Parade and the HOF enshrinement. Everyone can feel the excitement (kinda like kids at Christmas) and of course that filters down to the residents of the home. Our facility is along the route of the parade and last night they ALL knew the parade was today. Oy vey! @aufin, yep, that sounds like me alright! Well, except for the t-shirt part! @Earthling, right now I feel like a shattered tank!
  12. Yeah, and it's Hall of Fame Weekend here in Canton. Oy.
  13. Yep, been one of those evenings!
  14. When you say stuff like "my night fell apart quicker than a tank cracking juice can melt an evod tank" and your co-workers look at you like you've just gone stark raving mad. I work in healthcare so yes, my nice quiet evening can go south that fast!
  15. Welcome!
  16. I love my Protanks, especially with the airflow controller, and I'm debating whether to buy another Rrotank or get a Nauti Mini. So right now I'd have to lean toward the Protank only because that's all I've used (of the choices listed).
  17. Just got my protank2, airflow control valve for it, and some coils from SweetVapes.
  18. Welcome!
  19. Welcome!
  20. Good job! Hope he likes it and becomes "one of us".
  21. Welcome to VT
  22. Hello and welcome!
  23. Good set up to start. That's what I started with. (I haven't "moved on" too much, I'm happy with my gear!) My suggestion would be to try different juices with the set up you have and then decide if you'd like to try them on other equipment and set ups. Everyone is helpful here. The experienced vapers here are chock full of GOOD advice and friendship. Welcome to VT.
  24. Love my MVPs and as for juice, like grailhunter said finding THE right juice is the fun part! So many to try!
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