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    United states

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  1. Thanks for the replies! Yeah, I've been watching vaping videos before I even starting vaping. Actually found Rip Trippers videos about a week ago. He definitely has some good content in those videos. Guess after watching those videos it makes you feel like you can build anything... until you get the materials and you are clueless :/ DAMN YOUTUBE! LOL. So if I am looking to move on from the starter kit, any suggestions on what I should be looking to get? Thanks again for the replies!
  2. I'm fairly new to vaping as you will probably tell by the question I'm about to ask. To be able to make your own coils do you need mods? I currently have the 'noobie' starter kit many might start off with, but am looking into making my own coils instead of buying them. Any feedback or websites I can find these items at will be greatly appreciated.
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