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Everything posted by deadeye

  1. Tpday we are reviewing http://www.vaperite.com Organic English Toffee 26mg. This stuff is sweet without being heavy much like his caramel cream. Yhis is my favorite juice from todd and my personal all day vape. check it out, new mic and yes i know the sound is off wish i new how to fix that. deadeye signing off
  2. This one is on http://www.vaperite.com/ Organic Caramel Cream 26mg juice. I love this one it is sweet without being heavy awesome juice Todd.
  3. it does take some getting used too but now i dont even notice it.
  4. This is my review of the Journeyman mod from kaji at http://www.rnrmanufacturing.com/ a 3.7 and 6.0 volt device. I personally love this mod the ease of use and dependability of this mod is awesome. Enjoy and please whatever you do if you smoke cigs try a healthier alternative and vape it up.
  5. ok these are two of my faves from http://vaporflow.com/ they are real good and yes i am bald but i like it so plz insert bald jokes here.
  6. ok this is my first review but i found a juice i really like and thought everyone should know about it. it is 26 mg and great th and vaper and taste just like lemonheads it is awesome.
  7. and maybe triple encrypted websites with multiple passwords to sell the stuff
  8. my original 510 batts still work great got 2 megas a while back and they seem to last a lil longer but yeah attys and dripping kills me some last a lil some dont
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