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Everything posted by Lily

  1. Hi, I would recommend purchasing from a vendor who sells the Joye 510. Then you will have some type of warranty and no worries about reliability. Most models other than a Joye 510 are pricey knock offs. Gluck!
  2. Hi, not to worry! If you go to the How To section you'll see the video on direct dipping and how to fill a cartomizer. Direct dipping is in the atomizer with an empty cartridge, the plastic flat tip that will come with your eGo (well, it can be a round tip. If it has filler in it, you'd want to remove it). Then you'll want to blow the factory primer liquid out of the atomizer (I blow from the open end so that the liquid comes out of the threaded top of the atty), and drip several drops, I start out small 2-3 drops of e-liquid, vape. and then another 2-3 and vape. With a filled cartomizer all you have to do is connect it to the battery, and put the drip tip on the end (I remove the white soft top on the carto before I put the drip tip on). All of this will become second nature to you. Please don't worry about this being the dumbest question. The dumbest question is the one not asked! Hope this helps! Have kleenex or a paper towel at hand.
  3. You wouldn't jack up prices like OPEC now, would you? lol!
  4. Oh my that was awesome! Good job ThaHH!!! You have a beard! Seriously, that was a great review! You sold it! Makes me want to try a 5 volt, except I'm still a bit of a wimp about it, but I'm working on it! And sweet looking pv Jolly!!! Wow! Thanks.
  5. Well I guess I'll out myself here. Having done a fair amount of investigating on the subject of e-liquid, other than what I order from the VT Store, I only order Boge/Dekang e-liquid. I've never been disappointed yet. I'm all for USA made anything, but some of what I've ordered from certain USA vendors, I wouldn't let the dog vape it. This is just and only my opinion. I know there are others who feel strongly about USA made however, I wouldn't smoke any ole nasty analog, why am I going to vape nasty e-liquid? Nope!
  6. Well, at least they didn't mention e-cigs in the article. The thing of it is a passenger can hardly bring themselves on board an aircraft these days there are so many rules. Just do not ever put your pet in cargo. Sorry for being esoteric.
  7. Hey good job! I had to look a second time for the flicker...not really annoying! Can't wait to see what will come after your intro from you perhaps!
  8. Hi, I wholeheartedly agree with Brian! We who smoked analogs for years are grateful to have discovered an alternative in vaping, but to one who has never smoked, imo I can not see the point.
  9. Hey, good job! I like it when others try it first!
  10. Hi CC, glad you got your banner up and running! Just wanted to add to Kitsune's instruction for changing e-liquid, you can blow through the open end of the atty into a paper towel or tissue. Most of the time a couple of drops will release, then use the kleenex. So many flavors and so little time! Have fun and happy vaping!
  11. lol back becuz yes I know that, but when you posted about your slow mail at college, I thought you were waiting on Health Cabin RY4...
  12. The 510 is a good, reliable pv. It creates excellent vapor. What you won't have from a 510 is long battery life. It's a bit of a stretch (I speak for myself) to move away from the look of an analog when making the transition to vaping. The eGo has a superior battery life and imo combined with a lower strength nic level, you will be good to go!
  13. Wow, very, very nice! Thanks for showing it off! PS: I want one!!!
  14. Yes, I've been using a longer length thingie to get it flying. The first time I did it tho, the carto slipped out and went like a bullet across the living room before it hit the ac unit, lol! Last night I had just filled a three-day old carto, took a toot, and it shorted out...kinda scary...burnt brown nasty, nasty juice. I probably poked it too much with the paperclip. Anywayz, I feel like I waste too much juice so the reverse Taryn will alleviate some of that I think.
  15. Hey ben, nice to see you in a review again, yay! I agree with your assessment that Dulcis is neither too sweet nor too tobacco-ie! It's just right!!! I'm so glad that 'someone' took care of you down there! Take care, I hope that RY4 arrived!!!
  16. Wow, when the student is ready, the teacher appears!!! Thanks! The Taryn Spin is cool, but the Reverse Taryn Spin is major.
  17. Wow, I'm surprised at the Janty USA news. There was a fondness there because I ordered my first eGo from them ! Perhaps they're thinking ahead?!? I want to add that 3 packages of cartomizers flew from Cali to NYC in two days from the VT Store. Can you beat that? No, I don't believe so!
  18. LOL! Yep, flat tax, fair and equitable! Unfortunately we live in a society divided by race, class and gender...
  19. Hey joylynne, nice to hear from you. Glad your tastebuds reorganized! Congrats on your blue eGo! You'll just have to tell your husband to get over it!
  20. Hi, welcome to the Vapor Talk Forum! Glad you're here! I started out with the Joye 510. Just a little over a month into vaping I purchased a Janty eGo. I suggest that you look at How To videos here on the forum and online. It will give you a pretty good idea of what the 510 and eGo pvs are about. I know it's a lot to digest in the beginning, but the more you read up on pvs and vaping, the better off you'll be when purchase time comes around for you. But, in the meantime, don't hesitate to ask questions. Gluck!
  21. The only side effect I've had from vaping is feeling incredibly awesome physically, mentally and emotionally!
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