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Everything posted by Lily

  1. I unfortunately do not have time to write more to this at the moment...but I could not agree more with this assessment...it is a no-brainer to follow the money trail and political connections for the impending regulation of the e-cigarette industry by big tobacco. This regulation and harassment by the FDA has nothing and will have nothing to do with our safety and future well-being. You might think it does and will, but trust me, if you do the research on how lobbyists work in government, the truth will be there. This is all about money!
  2. I thought something was going on or going wrong because I haven't been able to get a throat hit ALL day! I alternated cartos and still not much of a hit. I thought maybe the new cartos I received and juiced today were duds, flooded or something. Thought also maybe its time to move on to LR's. Also vaping 18mg/RY4 PG and COV 16mg/Oriental Plum (plumiscious btw)VG. You gotta get some kind of a TH with VG, right? After I returned home and read this thread, I just dd'd some 24mg PG watermelon on my 510 and eGo. I'm feeling it. I have had great throat hits from my 18mg/RY4 with cartos. Should I gargle with salt water? I'm sad. I hope my throat is just having a bad day!
  3. Hi, a belated welcome to the VT Forum! Initially I was drawn to Blu advertising. There was a link to Blu on my analog website that I ordered from. I continued to research e-cigs online and found this forum where ultimately I was able to make an informed choice to go with the Joye510 which simulated analogs. About a month and-a-half into vaping, I purchased a Janty eGo. Not everyone, but many like myself, needed to transition to vaping this way. Everyone has covered many particulars in this thread, and I guess all I would like to add is there are probably more details to master using a pv, i.e, which mod, which accessories, which e-liquid, but the end result will be very much worth it, i.e., feeling better (physically and mentally), feeling richer (less expensive than smoking analogs), and finally, being in a position to help others who haven't heard of this technology and want to stop smoking. I still entertain the thought after a little over three months, hmmmm...I wonder what an analog would taste like now? I guess with any addiction, you don't go there. Instead, I vape up a storm (18mg, RY4). As others have said, don't hesitate to ask questions. There are some very knowledgeable people who have been analog-free for a long time that continue to contribute to the forum. Best of luck!
  4. Oh my, sounds like you really got a mouthful. Maybe not so much as you, but I think a little juice in the mouth (and the eye) has happened to a lot of us.
  5. Stacy, you've received some great tips and tricks from the pros on this thread. I think the entire forum is rooting for you! Good luck when your pv arrives! Don't hesitate to let us know how it goes and if you have any questions !
  6. Hi, welcome to the Vapor Talk Forum! Great handout piece and a pretty amazing community service gesture. Hope we hear from you again!
  7. Hi, your last post girldragon was pretty funny! Family at the BBQ! For me too, direct dipping was messy at first. I put only no more than three drops at a time, and have my paper towel at the ready for spills and condensation that collects on the empty cartridge. I'm using cartos with my ego just about all of the time now with a shorty widemouth Delrin drip tip on the end (I remove that white soft tip on the carto). Yes, a carto does take the place of an atomizer. A carto has the atty and filler in one unit. So rather than three pieces you have two. When I first began using cartos, I used them for several weeks, but they really get kind of yucky tasting after a week imo no matter what you do to clean them. Because they are fairly economical, there is no need to hang on to them forever. Good luck with your eGo. As you go along you'll find what works best for you. Keep posting and asking questions.
  8. I could not agree more with Nana's post. I think it's a damned if you do, and damned if you don't scenario. I guess we will have front row seats watching how this unfolds for us.
  9. Hi, I also ditto Brian on finding a fave flavor for all day, and then alternating with other flavors. I'm assuming you're speaking of a cartridge with filler, rather than a cartomizer which will last a longer time between fills. If and when I use a cartridge with filler, for some reason I can't keep track of puffs. As soon as the taste changes I add more liquid. Even with a carto I do that in order to keep its filler moist. Although vaping mimics smoking analogs, for me it's become its own entity. I think you'll find your way and preferences as you go along.
  10. Great research, thanks for posting. The future of pv's, the place where power and money will intersect!
  11. Wow, I'll say things have changed from a year ago. Who would trade 4 hours of battery life for 6-12? What it will be like a year from now! Hands down, the eGo for now though!
  12. Surprisingly after smoking analogs half of my life, my tastebuds woke up pretty fast, too. If you're using one atty for several flavors, it could be that one flavor is lingering in there somewhere and other flavors are having a neutral effect. You're going to find vast differences in the same e-liquid from different suppliers, and I'm afraid it's going to be experimenting initially. Some of this is the learning curve that you've read about. I know that it will work out for you, because it has for me. I know what I like at this point, and that's who I order from. Good luck!
  13. Hi, very excellent advice here! I kept three cartons of analogs for a couple of months and then gave them to a friend's wife who couldn't afford the ridiculous cost of analogs in NYC. But, while I'm one of those who started vaping one day and hasn't picked up an analog since, I still have a couple of unopened packs around. Call it what you will, but I didn't want to shoot myself in the foot! I just passed the three month mark 9/4 and haven't smoked an analog, but you just never know how things will play out. I'm sure everyone in this forum is rooting for you!
  14. Hi, I would also not recommend using a 'natural' fiber in a cartridge. There's probably information somewhere online about what substances will melt at what temp., but an atty will melt the sides of a plastic cartridge. I direct dip or use cartomizers more than filler in a cartridge at this point, but I would suggest either washing to polyfil that is already in the cartridge or purchasing the fluval material. Good luck!
  15. Hi, sounds like you're having a great vaping experience! I agree that everyone's "sweet spot" is different. I try to let the atty cool between inhales, otherwise a too hot atty kind of burns up the flavor of a juice, for me. However I can certainly relate to the bliss aspect of vaping a favorite flavor when it happens. It could be that you have well-developed saliva glands ! Personally I have no ill effects from using a straight 18mg PG, but as other's have commented, I drink more water, and of course, that's a good thing!
  16. Hey, have fun! Let us know how it goes!
  17. I'm voting for Clouds! to arrive first I ordered Oriental Plum from them last night and tho it's the holiday weekend, it shipped out this morning hopefully for a Wednesday delivery. Have fun with your stuff!
  18. Hi, I believe someone did the math regarding nicotine in an analog and how it corresponds with the vaping intake of e-liquid. I think it was Chris and I think others have posted this, too. It has certainly crossed my mind several times whether I'm vaping more than I smoked. I've also questioned if I'm obsessed with vaping as well. I think it's because it's new and different, and I love it! I started out with 24mg as well. I went down to 18mg and have vaped 16mg, mostly I vape 18mg. I direct dipped some of my 24mg juice the other day and wow, yes, a rush to the head! I vape all day, everywhere because I can I guess, even where I never could with analogs. I had no real intention of quitting analogs when I did. It was because I couldn't get reservation cigs by mail any longer. I guess weening off nicotine depends upon what someone's personal goals are. People have been smoking tobacco for enjoyment since the dawn of the ages. I know, smoking analogs is bad for you. I guess I just try and not beat myself up too much for having this habit. Can you imagine what vaping will be like in just five years? Anywayz, please forgive the ramble. I so wish you good luck in tapering down. Thanks for the post!
  19. Hi, the veterans have weighed-in here and offered great suggestions. I guess I would offer that after smoking analogs for so many years, starting out with the Joye 510 was of psychological importance to me. I purchased the eGo after a month and-a-half of vaping on the 510 stick mod. I still use the 510, however as everyone has commented, the benefits of the eGo are huge. Whatever you decide, it won't be wrong; just the place where you started. Good luck and welcome to the forum !
  20. Hi, well, enjoy your eGo! Many good suggestions here. I believe you'll discover your preferred method of filling a carto, and carrying your eGo around. It can be a trial and error that gets you there, but you'll get there for sure! Good luck and have fun with this!
  21. Hi, I'm compelled to comment here about the subjectivity of taste. I strongly advocate the use of samplers! From personal experience, it is too much of a bummer to get e-juice that tastes like toilet water or worse! I agree that cheap is not always good. I wonder about suppliers who buy up huge batches of VG or PG unflavored assortments of nic strength, add flavorings, and then pass it off as great e-juice. I don't know, it's been a learning experience for me. I look at the e-liquid video reviews on the forum and read poster's comments, but in the end, it boils down to my tastebuds and mine alone. Good luck with this!
  22. Hi, just wanted to say congratulations on the purchase of your eGo. I've had mine for a month and-a-half. The longer battery life and vapor production are so worth it. Currently I'm using a cartomizer with a shorty widemouth Delrin drip tip on the end. Sometimes I have the cone on, but most of the time now I don't. I guess LR atty's are a preference of many here, but so far I'm happy with the regular 510 atty's or a carto. As other's have commented the selection of goodies are endless. The important thing is have fun and enjoy!
  23. Hi, welcome to the Vapor Talk Forum! I'm not familiar with your unit, but I stand my (manual) 510 and eGo on its end (in a shotglass) to keep the liquid from coating the connector end of the battery. Occasionally I use a paper towel to wipe the end of the battery and threads of the atty. Good luck. There is no real weirdness here on the forum!!!
  24. The eGo is kind of like an M16!
  25. K, thanks, no worries here
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