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Everything posted by Lily

  1. I was going to suggest the eGo, but no, wait, twenty others have already! Yes, the Joye eGo is the one! Congratulations! We already know you're going to love it!!! Don't hesitate to ask questions should anything come up for you in the meantime or down the road! Happy Vaping!
  2. Sweet! Have fun! Can't wait to see GI Joseph!
  3. Hi, I meant more of how absolutely idiotic for the people in power to target this aspect of e-cigs, that children are going to get hold of them, when analogs are there for their taking. It's a mind game!
  4. Hi again JamesC, you're on track! And congrats, today is day 5! Kitsune is so right that it will be a trial and error discovery to find the flavor that eventually will be your go-to! And as FTJoe says there is no fail (I would add except for not trying or venturing out)!
  5. This is just the beginning of adding more and more restrictions on e-cigarettes. I wonder if there are any studies or polls on how many underage persons smoke analogs?
  6. A Cherry 2000"?
  7. I meant to say a knockoff of the blu...anywayz, it seems like they're charging an arm and a leg for it.
  8. Hi Ben, isn't this a Blu?
  9. Hi, congratulations on purchasing a Joye eGo! Sometimes we run into a detour along the learning curve. I too was extremely fortunate to be an analog smoker one day and a vaper the next. I've had a few cravings for analogs in the last five months but, I just vape em away! Gluck! Have fun!
  10. Hi, I think all kinds of analyses can be made regarding what, why, how and when we vape. I believe someone posted here on the forum that when we vape we're taking in less nic than when we smoked analogs. Idk the science behind that. However, in the beginning, vaping was new and exciting, for me. I couldn't put my pv down. I still have my eGo in my hand a lot of the time. It goes where I go. Am I vaping less after five months? Idk, I haven't monitored myself. I think the best argument to be made is the one elDuderino expressed. What an analog smoker is ingesting is a crime against humanity. And the known carcinogens that are in them to keep people smoking all over the world? Shame, shame, shame on the tobacco companies!!! Everyone has their personal goals. Some want to wean, some vape all day and night on 0mg, some vape very high levels of nicotine. I put in a vote for being grateful that I have this technology available to me. Vaping will certainly help no matter what decision I make in the future! Right now tho, 'Preacher Lily' loves to vape! So many choices in what pv's to buy, so many e-liquid flavors, so very much fun!
  11. Hi, welcome to the Vapor Talk Forum!
  12. Hi, if I add maybe just two drops more than the filler needs (I do it by hand), I'll get leakage out of the threaded end of a carto. I start out with about 10-12 drops and then test the carto to see if it's a 'live one'. Then I'll add another 5 to 10 more drops so that the filler is thoroughly saturated with e-liquid. Imo it's a little bit hit or miss filling them no matter what method you use. And yes, the filler does start to burn when you vape, and less e-liquid is absorbed into the filler each time you top it off causing it to leak if too much juice is added. I find that after about three days or so, it's time for a new carto!
  13. Hmmmm...that might be it. I only vape Boge(Dekang) e-liquid. Imho, it's the best on the market!
  14. Hi, Your co-workers seem to have an exceptional sense of smell! I have to say that I sit right next to people in a lot of different places all the time, and no one has ever said anything to me, like what's that smell?!? What e-liquid are you using? I guess you could order some flavorless e-liquid.
  15. Hi HyOnLyph! Lily again. It sounds like maybe you have a bum or under-performing atty. It happens. I've certainly had a few. Just wanted to mention that you can go on video chat w/o a cam or mike. You will see them but they can't see you. You can type-chat about it if you choose. There are some very knowledgeable people who hang out there. The other thing I wanted to mention that Christopher questioned is that one cannot always assume from a website that attys or cartos are genuine Joye's. There are 'reputable' sites that sell SLB's. I've learned this the hard way (with cartos). It's like you always have to read the fine print, and if you don't see it, email or call the vendor.
  16. Hi Marleen, I personally have had no sensitivity with my teeth and gums since I began vaping June 4! Everyone is different but my bet would be the toothpaste. Gluck! Let us know.
  17. Hi, welcome to the Vapor Talk Forum! Many of us, including myself, wanted an e-cigarette to look and be exactly like an analog. You can start out with a Joye510 which meets your current criteria. The only thing is the battery life of a 510 is about two hours, maybe it will be a little longer for you. If you look through the forum here, you will see many posts on purchasing the Joye eGo. In my mind, it's like a chubby 510 however, the battery life is considerably longer, about 6-12 hours between charges. 510 atomizers which you use on the stick mod are used with the eGo. I see that you just posted you want an automatic. There are pros and cons to the automatic, the biggest of which it is easy to short out an auto battery if e-liquid gets inside the battery. I don't have personal experience with automatic batteries but to add to this, even though e-cigarettes are marketed as a substitute for smoking analogs, vaping is an alternative and rather a unique experience. Good luck, don't hesitate to ask questions! We're here to help! PS: I don't think you can go by the experience of purchasing a pv from a gas station or kiosk in a mall. There are a lot of knock-offs in the marketplace. You'll do better purchasing a Joye from a reputable online vendor.
  18. Is it possible that your atty has become flooded? Gurgling is not the sound you want to hear...a little bit of sizzle on the inhale is best.
  19. Hi JamesC, it's Lily again! I just took a look-see at the vaporskitchen website. If you want to try a straight menthol, I think someone has already suggested the Vapor Talk Store. In terms of something like banana menthol, all I believe they do is add the menthol to the banana and other flavorings. They look like a good vendor though. I didn't see if they use a VG/PG base or one or the other. Just a suggestion, I would start out with a straight flavor be it a tobacco or whatever else you're interested in trying. There are some people who add a drop of menthol to a particular flavor. Taste is very subjective, what pleases one won't please everyone. For me it's been trial and error. I've tried lots of flavors over the past almost five months, and have ended up loving just a couple, i.e., Dekang RY4 and VT Dulcis (tobacco flavors). Now and then I'll vape some fruit flavor just to switch off. Sometimes I'll like a flavor right from the first vape and sometimes I have to vape it a while. Again, it's a trial and error thing. Sometimes you'll hit it and sometimes you won't. There is a classified section on the forum that you may be able to trade e-liquid with someone. Anywayz, I guess that's all for now. Ask questions if you need to. And I want to add, have fun with this!
  20. Hi, hope you got through it okay. It's heading east tonight and tomorrow!
  21. Hi onqun, I think what you may be tasting is the primer that is in the atomizer in a new kit. Unscrew the atty from the battery and blow through the open end into a kleenex or paper towel. Then add a drop or two of e-liquid into the atomizer. Place the cartridge back on the atty and then inhale. Sometimes it takes upward of a half-hour of vaping to get rid of the primer taste. Don't forget to keep adding e-liquid but, not too much. Hope this helps. Let us know!
  22. Well, what's next... http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_localnyc/city-councilman-wants-to-ban-creation-of-new-hookah-bars-in-city-says-smoke-is-dangerous
  23. Hi Salt, Just recently there was an entire thread on reps. Here is the link! http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/forum/topic/8558-reputation-show-off/
  24. It is indeed a sad story. I'm thinking though, how wonderful this woman's plight made it into a major newspaper. I hope there are a few kind souls out there that will help her find a new home.
  25. I use around 10ml a week easily. PS: Stock up!
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