Hi, I think all kinds of analyses can be made regarding what, why, how and when we vape. I believe someone posted here on the forum that when we vape we're taking in less nic than when we smoked analogs. Idk the science behind that. However, in the beginning, vaping was new and exciting, for me. I couldn't put my pv down. I still have my eGo in my hand a lot of the time. It goes where I go. Am I vaping less after five months? Idk, I haven't monitored myself. I think the best argument to be made is the one elDuderino expressed. What an analog smoker is ingesting is a crime against humanity. And the known carcinogens that are in them to keep people smoking all over the world? Shame, shame, shame on the tobacco companies!!!
Everyone has their personal goals. Some want to wean, some vape all day and night on 0mg, some vape very high levels of nicotine. I put in a vote for being grateful that I have this technology available to me. Vaping will certainly help no matter what decision I make in the future! Right now tho, 'Preacher Lily' loves to vape! So many choices in what pv's to buy, so many e-liquid flavors, so very much fun!