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Everything posted by synthesis

  1. Those coils look a lot like the aspire coils I use. Does anyone know if they're interchangeable?
  2. I am vaping a local company's juice. Called Jazz e-juice, Jonny Cooltrain is the name of the flavor. It's very good, sort of a limeade flavor, but reminds me of the green lollipops the banks gave out to kids when I was younger.
  3. My current every day set ups. I also have some spinners and ego twists I use when I need something I can put on a lanyard for hiking/walking the dog or going to the beach/public venues where I don't carry a purse.
  4. Space jam starship, but I'm not sure I like it. I think it needs to steep for a couple more days...
  5. I'm switching between ecblends pear with a cool hit and cosmic fog milk and honey right now.
  6. I got mine a week ago, but I'm running 4 tanks with different liquids. I haven't touched the davide because I don't have a juice to put into it that's different. I'm glad you like it, though. I'm a fan of the aspire line.
  7. I take a MVP with a full aspire et-s tank; in a hard eyeglass case in my purse I carry a spare coil, spinner, and another full tank of a different flavor.
  8. Signed up for zamplebox. Figured its a good, cost saving way to try new flavors.
  9. No, I haven't. Sounds good, though.
  10. Today was a good day for vape mail. My cosmic fog milk and honey came with my space jam starship. Also got the drip tips I ordered and my jwraps.
  11. I placed an order for cosmic fog milk and honey and space jams starship. Hope my milk and honey gets here soon as I'm having withdrawals. They really need to start selling bigger bottles.
  12. Received my second mvp, some heads for my aspire tanks, the new davide that takes aspire heads, and an aspire nova today.
  13. I've used both protanks and aspire et-s. I like the aspire better because I find them to have more flavor. Kpt definitely has them beat for throat hit. Vapor is about equal.
  14. Milk and honey by cosmic fog
  15. I just placed an order for a MVP. So excited!!
  16. Vapor4life.com has cartomizers in a lot of flavors
  17. I bought the blue SID only because out of all the vw mods I liked the color the best. Bonus: the fact I could buy a smaller sleeve for 18350 batteries so its more portable.
  18. Aspire et-sbdc glassomizers in 3 different colors. So pretty.
  19. Smoktech SID and ACE both come in a really nice pink.
  20. I've been vaping for almost five years. I went back to analogs for a bit during my commute and breaks at work because cartomizers couldn't keep up with chain vaping. I still vaped at home and during the weekends. But then someone I work with came in with a tank and I was dumbfounded. So I went and got one and stopped smoking. I figured I need to go back online and see what's new in vaping technology. So here I am, finally retiring my old faithful puresmoker prodigy and cartomizers (my spinners will probably never be retired) for a SID and bdc tanks. Jenne
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