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Everything posted by vandyke

  1. LOL! Perfect image use
  2. I got my big order in from vaporpro, including menthol crystals. How do you use these? I tried sticking them in the cart, I had to push the foam stuff in a lot (just two crystals). Is this correct?
  3. Ok, two points: 1) that site is skeeeetcheeeee (looks like sites I've made!) 2) I may order a couple packs tomorrow Thanks!
  4. Er... isn't that the same thing? Not like I said: "Hey, it's a gateway to smoking for teens!" or anything...
  5. Talking legal ones here folks. Seems a very generic useful vapor delivery device. Like, if I have a cold, can I use a Vicks type liquid to relieve it? Asthma inhalers maybe?
  6. Ha, I was just thinking about using it in a movie theater. Again, my mind is still reeling with the possibilities of vaping in all the forbidden places. But then I considered the vapor, minimal and quickly dissipating as it is, could actually interfere with other people's vision of the screen. I don't want to be a huge **** (unless situation calls upon it).
  7. While I'm spamming the forums, I might as well add this other question to the pile: how sensitive are pre-loaded cartridges to temperature? Like, if I leave some sealed carts in a box in a bag in my car on these 90+ degree nasty summer days, will they be unduly affected? Or should I just not worry about it? Same goes for ecig, but I'm less worried because 1) it seems like it'd be less affected by that stuff and 2) it's always in my pocket!
  8. So, SOMEWHERE I saw some warning about not taking too many hits off the atomizer in a given time period, that it needs to cool down or it can be damaged. I've definitely noticed the e-cigs getting rather warm when I activate it a bunch, and I'm worried about damaging it. How real a problem is this? Can you really damage the atomizer or battery by using it too much, too quickly? I'm still trying to get used to this longer drag thing, I don't want to overdo it and damage anything...
  9. interesting... BLAST. I will have to make another order and pay S&H. I wish Amazon had vaping products, and on Prime shipping
  10. Ok, I assume this topic has been over and over to death. But I tried a forum search and, honestly, the search terms involved are difficult. So, what the hell, I'll start a new post in noobies. It'll help towards my first five except I've apparently already exceed that, but... whatever. My understanding is, a cartomizer is a cartridge with an atomizer in it. Great, you get a fresh atomizer every time, but I assume cost scales as well. But, posts I've read imply a cartomizer lasts longer than a cartridge. Is this correct? Is there something more to it than just a cartridge-with-an-atomizer?
  11. Honestly, the reason my brain first considering ecigs was NOT quitting smoking! It was: "how can I sneak a smoke in at places/times where it would be hard to not to?" This is why I started. And it's the first 10 or so biggest benefits I've gotten from it! Man, first few days I would make a habit to vape everywhere I couldn't smoke: elevators, bathrooms, office, at home when I was otherwise 'done smoking for the night', etc. What I didn't do was to publicly vape in places I knew I couldn't smoke. Hell, even in the mall right next to the smoke everywhere (GOD I want to type 'smoke anywhere'... it makes so much more sense!) stand, I didn't try it, although I very much wanted to. I walked all the way out of the mall to where I could smoke normally, even threw the cart wrapper garbage in the smoker's outpost thing outside. I just am not up to have to fight in a restaurant or mall or other non-smoking building to explain that I'm "not really smoking". You know, you're in the store or whatever, you have an ecig in the pocket. You could just pull it out and take a few hits, but you KNOW you'll be attacked by an employee or something. I feel like I need to carry a pamphlet or something. Despite the whole initial 'stealth smoking' factor, I've now come to realize that this is a killer smoking cessation tool. It doesn't have the first-cig-of-the-day kick to it, but for the rest of the grind it's almost as good. And the HUGE widening of places and times you can use it is great! The lack of negative (direct and indirect) effects compared to 'analog's is another key factor. Anyway, came for the stealth, staying for the quitting
  12. Good, I was worried when I blew through my overpriced (I think!) $10-for-5 smoking everywhere carts in like about 24 hours. Or was it 48? Hmm... I was also pre-emptively replacing them when I thought there wasn't enough vapor or effect. A few times I've gone back and had an analog to compare and contrast. As much nicer and more convenient that the vaping is to smoking, even after vaping what I considered 'a lot' most of the day, one Marlboro packed a punch like the first smoke of the day. I'm not saying I'd stop vaping or anything, I definitely see me migrating there. Also, the doof at the mall stand gave me mediums instead of highs, for whatever THAT'S worth... Anyway, definitely waiting for the 510. And liquids. Er... alot. Well, not a lot maybe, but a variety. I made two orders over two days, pretty much got one of nearly everything
  13. Ok, that's a pretty vague question, what with various size carts for different models (I assume..(?)) and different personal rates of use. Any metrics? # of puffs, # of hours, etc? I think some of the less reputable sales literature compare a cart to multiple packs worth, but I'm not seeing it. That, or I'm vaping WAY TOO MUCH because it's too easy to do and you don't get the same effects as smoking too many cigs (except the when you get way too much nicotine). Impossible question to answer?
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