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Everything posted by VapingSoldier

  1. the one wearing my ACH (kev helmet) was taken 2 days ago before our mission, then me standing up 10 mins ago, then my buddies creamer and donaldson layin down about 3 months ago or so.. and finally my unit inside kabul for a photo op for some generals (who we never even saw) ok how the heck do i attach them But hey I wont be on tommoro, 3 platoons are joining the 82nd for a convoy to Kandahar, so ill be sleepin in a foxhole tommoro night Thanks again for everything everyone, were gonna miss you! Good night America and God Bless, ill be back on the 11th!!
  2. Ahhhh my bad Ouster, I thought you wanted pics of what our FOB looked like. I didnt know those pictures were out on the internet?? I got them off our own military family's support website, i guess we ripped them or they ripped thim i donno. Oh Ill take a pic of me and some buddies in full battle rattle!! There not pretty tho ill tell u now hahaha
  3. Will do FT, Mentha is the closest I have some to a real harsh menthol flavor, Ill try out this stuff and tell u guys how it is.
  4. Whoaaaa dude did you just say newport??? thats what we all used to smoke!! Does it taste like the real thing??? I didnt know there was such a thing!!1 Ohhhh im stoked now! Googling.... btw I just took a pic to show how serious I am... hahaha
  5. Hey everyone im back... Whew lol. Yes of course FTJoe, I said before, that ONLY people in my unit that I actually know and trust and am friends with will be getting anything thats sent, which is as of now, 4 vaping buddies, 12 non vaping buddies, out of those 12, 10 are interested in vaping, and out of 10 7 of them are clamoring over my shoulder when we get home from a mission to see what you guys are saying on this thread hahaha. We really cant thank you enough, and YES pics are a GREAT IDEA!!! Wilco on posing them, I have a few of them on my page now, and im gonna get some friends to email me some so I can post them as well. I have 3/4s of a bottle of Mentha left... Who wants to bet me that we wont vape this entire thing by the end of the week haha. But seriously, we really cant thank you enough, we really only get things from family and loved ones, and your extreme generosity is very humbling to us. My buddies in all seriousness, didnt even believe me when I informed them that people from all across America were going to be shipping us vaping supplies for free. I had to put the laptop in front of their face just to get them to believe me, and nowthey cant wait hahaha. And how your timing is perfect VT... Today I burned out my last atty, and Iv refilled this carto like 5 times already (praying that it doesnt crap out on me!!!) But again, I cant say this enough, you guys are amazing and dont think for a second we wont return the favor (Army swag... anyone?) Ill be on for the next 2 hours vaping watching some grimmgreen vids and posting here. Vape on!! To DAJAMASTER - Wow that sure is alot, those disposable would be GREAT for some of the ones in my unit who only smoke like half a pack a day, it would probobly last them a couple weeks at least, GREAT idea, your amazing truely Heres a couple pics, the first one is a few of the surrounding village outside FBP, the second is my battle buddy Herdz, recently converted vapester
  6. Good morning from Afghan VT! Im strapping on full battle rattle right now about to roll out for a mission, but I thought I would address some of the questions in previous posts. To FTjoe - Theres no APO here in Afghanistan but my mom works for UPS and sends my battalion things from all of our family and friends using her account, for free. We get things 2 day air from her, the man who started this post, Ooust has her address and information for shipping ect. And yea, some soldiers in my tent begged me to ask you guys if you had some really old, beat up 510s or something to that extent, equipment you were planning on throwing away anyway ect, they would absolutely love those. Fried out attys, old and decrepit batteries, thrash for you guys, but GOLD for us trust me haha. And yeah we like the high strength juice, cartomizors are also fantastic as were ALWAYS on the move, and dripping is near impossible while out on missions. I bought a 5 pack of cartos and kept one for myself, and gave the other 4 to my friends, and were all completely converting to them haha. Thank you SO much for everything again guys, you have no idea how much we appreciate it. Well I gotta run, we got a 30 mile march ahead of us to our area of influence, then a 30 mile back hahaha. Take care America ill post as soon as im back!!!
  7. No ma'am please your already doing so much, thank you soo much for everything really, we cant thank you enough. I just asked some battle buddies that are awake, and they all said i swear lol, they said, "menthol and ry4 please" hahaha. I told you we love menthol and ry4 here, as long as we have those we are GOOD TO GO hahaha. But really, thank you so much
  8. Intresting, thanks!
  9. Yeah the only people I really know out here are my buddies in my platoon. Platoons kind of keep to themselves out here, I mean every soldier from every platoon came over here together, trained together, lived together. So yeah, your absolutely right my buddies take highest priority. I have already referred this forum to many soldiers, and it is really starting to spread, the interest in electronic cigs I mean. Were all going to be healthier and better equipped to do our job more proficiently if were not smoking, so its all around amazing. Were all so grateful to you guys and gals on this forum fro taking the time/effort/recourses to do this for us, and trust me, everything thats sent will be put to extremely good use Oh and yea, we are all issues standard issue USB power adapters for our SATCOM battletops(heavy duty laptops used for relaying and transmitting coordinates) so theres plenty of those
  10. Oh well were stationed at Firebase Phoenix so we have power and electricity, as well as charging and power hubs in all tents/buildings. I have a Janty Ego and donaldson has a 510 passthrough, everyone else has a blu cig which is horrible out here because they die after about 30 mins, and on 6 hour missions... They resort back to smoking lol. Im only giving supplies to my battlebuddies in my unit, and they have to be interested in quitting smoking AND they have to come on here and say thanks They wrote Ooust an email thanking him, and they will be in contact with everyone who sends them things thanking them as well. But like i said, im only giving the 510 equipment to people who are interested in vaping and want to quit smoking Btw, will my janty ego charger also charge the 510 batts? @kitsune, yes ma'am we do, were supplied with little block things that plug into our electricty hub, that has a USB port on it. Its some sort of adapter, but thats how Donaldson uses his passthrough. you should see him when he gets back from a mission, he sits down by that hub for about 3 hours vaping constantly, then he runs out of liquid and runs to me hahahaha
  11. Whew ok we are back, mission success Im so beat haha, well I dont care im still using the entirety of my allotted internet time As for as what to send, I mean im still trying to digest that you guys are sending us things, I have no idea lol. I have a buddy here in the tent with me whos very interested in vaping, he vapes my Ego just as much as I do, and I recommended that he get a 510 to start out with. If any of you guys have a really old beat up 510 that you were planning on throwing away anyway, he would really like that i think. He chain smokes constantly and his stamina is nowhere to be found these days. Oh darn i just realized I should have put this in the troops thread haha im so tired I donno even know what Im doing, ill copy and paste Thanks again to everyone, you guys are truly amazing. Oh wow ddavelarsen thanks so much man, we appreciate what you guys are doing really, it took us all by complete and total surprise. We all vape the heavy duty stuff, 24 and 36mg, soldiers juice haha. One of the most asked for flavors fofr me to order right now is menthol and ry4, everyone loves ry4 in my unit and menthol is good for the cig feel. We pretty much all used to smoke newports, now only half of us do
  12. WOW I just did it, NO comparison. I wish I would Have done this SOONER haha thanks alot guys for telling me about this, I had no idea... i literally learn 5 things a day everyday on this wonderful forum, with this outstanding community
  13. Wait wait wait WHAT lol?? You can REMOVE the ENTIRE bridge and mesh, and it still functions properly....? WOW thats amazing! What is the best way to do this, as in, the safest haha??
  14. Im still trying to figure out the best method of cleaning my atomizers, for both getting rid of a certain ejuice's flavor, and overall maintenance when vapor production and/or flavor starts to deplete. Dry burning, blowing out ejuice, what do you do?
  15. Check out my review in the Eliquid reviews section for more info!! The absolute BEST RY4 variant I have ever tried, and iv tried them all!! Its the sweetest, creamiest, most succulent E-Liquid I have ever vaped, no seriously haha. I know I sound like a fanboy or something, But im just trying to get the word out about this juice. Try it for 2.99 for a 7.5 ML bottle at their site, vikingvapor.com. Let me know what you think!
  16. Im vaping 24 MG nicotine, with the "Full Flavor" throat hit. Theres three levels of throat hit you can choose, regular, full flavor, and filterless.
  17. Im a huge fan of Viking Vapor's low cost, high quality juice, and have been vaping it since the site's creation. Up until this juice, I didnt have a go to, all day vape. Well, all of that changed when they released their own version of RY4, and my all time favorite juice to date. It completely blows all other RY4's juice out of the water, and I have vaped about 15 different versions. Its extremely sweet and delicious, with STRONG undertones of carmel and chocolate. Theres also a very hearty tobacco flavor in there as well, but it is definitely not as strong as the carmel. Give it a try, you can pick up a 7.5 ML bottle for 2.99 to try it out, you will not be disappointed. http://www.vikingvapor.com/product_p/10158.htm Flavor - EASY 10. Very rich and tasty, will satisfy your sweet tooth along with nicotine cravings. Throat hit - 9. Has a very strong throat hit, but not to harsh as to detract from flavor. Vapor production - 7. While it does not blow clouds of vapor, it does provide a decent amount, its very thick and creamy. You can fully customize the VG/PG to whatever you want. Overall - 9. My all time favorite juice so far, topping even VT's own dulcis in flavor, IMHO.
  18. hey thanks alot!! Watching them now... very refreshing to see an outspoken DR that isnt in big tobacco's back pocket..
  19. Haha no not a jarhead, My name would be VapingMarine than lol. Im a soldier And yeah im anxious to see the republican's response as well. Lets hope for the best
  20. Whats this? An intelligent response from a DEMOCRAT POLITICIAN? Hooah to that!!! Haha I only kid!! I hope I don't offend anyone, just a playful joke
  21. Those are indeed epic... In size and vape time. Im anxious to find out exactly how much longer as well. This just may be the final excuse to get some LR 510 attys for my Ego.. Now I can tell everyone that I have a gigantic ego. /sarcasm
  22. I live in Vero Beach Vaping as I type...
  23. I LOVE VikingVapor's juices, all dirt cheap (10 bucks for 30 ml, USA made and shipped from USA) and high quality. And of course, RY4 is my current fav. Although I am waiting for VTs own Mentha and ((culcis...?)) flavor to come in the mail.
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