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    AndriaD reacted to Vispera in new here, semi-new to vaping   
    Welcome to VT lots of nice and helpful people here to help you make it through
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    AndriaD reacted to irwink in new here, semi-new to vaping   
    Welcome and hang in. It gets easier.
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    AndriaD reacted to lanab8 in new here, semi-new to vaping   
    I like you smoked for a very long time! Tried everything to quit, did have a successful run of a 1 1/2 then started again. Thank the world I found the the e-cig. Started with a disposable from 7 eleven than liked it so much ordered one on line that looked like a real cigarette really got tried of charging and up graded to a ego twist and evod clearomizer now it has been since august without an analog!!! Love the experience and will never go back to smoking! It is really great being smoke free for so long. I don't miss the smell and running outside to smoke! I really hate the smell of smoking. I cannot believe that I smelled that way! What a disgusting habit it was! Welcome to the forum. By the way I feel so much better. Lungs have cleared and my sense of smell and taste have returned. So I have now been analog free for 6 months and really enjoy the experience plus all the money I have in my pocket!
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