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Everything posted by vic120

  1. Carto tank was the step I took after clero's and before Rebuildables RDA and RTA honesty I eventually tossed all my cartotanks they do not compare to Rebuildables I wish I knew that before hand
  2. The hardest time is the 1st few days away from ciggs then it gets better I started at 12 mg then went up to 18 and then went back down to 12 mg now I split time my dissert and tea vapes are 6 mg my tobacco's are some at 6mg some 9 mg some 12 mg But honestly you need to be committed to go through it for few days to a week to get to the other side and its good to have a good tobacco or ry4 flav that you have at maybe 18mg to get you through the tough moments but don't expect there to be no tough moment's You get through it quicker then you think
  3. My Provari with IGO-l ,Fatty V3 or kayfun lite MY Chi You with Trident, Kraken or aga-T
  4. cant beat nickotickets Vanilla flavor whether its frenilla, custard last stand or creme brulee
  5. I used to have that a lot in the beginning But now keeping many flavors in the rotation and leaning to give my fav's a break for a few days or more after I have had in rotation for a few days helps a lot dripping in RDA helps that a lot also I have found since dripping I can have some dissert type flavs I enjoy for an hour or 2 maybe only a couple times a week Yes there are still flavs I enjoy for 10-15 ml and I am done with it and that's fine that's why when I try new juice I tend to get the 10-15 ml size But my fav's stay great as I reorder them
  6. My top Vendors Are 1 Ahlusion 2 Nickoticket 3 the steam co their resurve flavs 4 heather heavenly vapes 5 mom & Pop vapor shop 6 Cooper Creak for there house blend
  7. I love Want2 vape RY4 it is a deep Smokey Net could even call it cigarY4 this one is not 4 everyone for more main stream type ry4's Ive loved Halo Tribeca Heathers heavenly vapes heavenly tobacco Mr. Eliquide Ry4 And another NET Ry4 I like Vaperite VR4
  8. NET tobacco's can be harder on coils I usually vape them in a RDA like IGO-L the main dif between heat and cold extraction Heat usually bolder flavor less complexity Cold usually more subtle flavor but more complexity There are many Great NET vendors depending on what you like I really love Ahlusion NET tobacco's The Aromatic line is very aggressive tobacco's (not for the faint of heart) but love those most All there other tobacco's are NET as well but much easier on coils and more of a balanced flavor
  9. Try Velvet Cloud vapor they are 100%VG but I think they cut it with distilled water so its not as thick as most
  10. Ahlusion Smooth Criminal
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