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Everything posted by terrapindance

  1. anybody have any input? i've seen that people tend to find 30 gauge the best for the aqua but all i have on hand at the moment is 24, 26, and 28.
  2. castle long from five pawns. i know everyone on here ******* about the price, but this juice is worth it IMO.
  3. using a stillare right now but looking into something different. any recommendations?
  4. i haven't tried moon sugar but i got sundae fundae, dabble dooyah and karma cream. wasn't really impressed by any of them.
  5. i've tried crunkberry by Alice in Vapeland and just got a bottle of Cozmic Crunch from Good Life Vapor crunkberry was ok, but not enough flavor. still undecided about cozmic crunch. any other suggestions?
  6. currently vaping a turtleship v2 with trident clone. looking for the best possible rda or rba to buy. looking into the kayfun, russian 91% or maybe just a regular dripping atomizer. recommendations appreciated. thank you!
  7. is pretty bad. don't recommend. flavors are light even after 2 weeks of steeping and have no depth despite very complex flavor descriptions.
  8. definitely wanna try derailed. but you're right. i'm super picky about my juices.
  9. sorry, using phantasytour lingo. RC = roll call mothers milk = a cream-based strawberry e-liquid from the vendor "Suicide Bunny"
  10. evic. why? because there's a future in it. where as most mods are just a hunk of metal which will never change, with the evic you have the luxury of updating your firmware to change with new technology. just take better care of yours then i did if you get one. it's a pretty durable product but the screen will crack if you drop it enough. still functions well though. minor scratches on body casing and that one crack on the screen, but all in all, i'm pleased with it.
  11. it's ok. definitely doesn't live up to the hype. not that i don't enjoy it, but it's not the end all be all of juice. just my humble opinion. however, i would be interested to know if any of the other SB juices are worth trying.
  12. thoughts? juices look and sound great. have seen a few good reviews on youtube. anyone tried them? yay or nay?
  13. my top vendors would have to be: 1) Spacejam Robo Fuel -- Starship 1 in particular is fantastic 2) Vapor Chef -- vaping beeblebrox right now; smooth, maple and vanilla tobacco. really good. 3) Heather's Heavenly Vapes 4) Cosmic Fog 5) Suicide Bunny not in any particular order milk & honey by comic fog is delicious.
  14. WOW this stuff is cheap man. 8.99 for a 30 ml bottle? i like the sound of dragon tear -- can you vouch for the juice? i mean, compared to a vendor like SB or SJ?
  15. i'll start by saying i lean heavily towards cream-BASED flavors. ex. starship 1 by space jam is a custard cream base with hints of kiwi mothers milk by SB is a cream base with hints of strawberry i like both of these vendors because i think they offer complex, unique and full flavors. i know of a few others that can deliver a similar vape but any suggestions would be awesome!
  16. i plan on it. just looking for a mech mod to actually USE with my omega. in the meantime, i will be learning though.
  17. giantvapes has been out of stock on almost every flavor for weeks now and you cannot purchase directly from the website. can anybody shed some light as to how i can order some? all this hype and i can't even try it!!! thanks terrapin
  18. i have built coils for my omega, yes. but i am not incredibly experienced. i have a local shop that helps me learn a lot of these things and actually holds classes on building coils.
  19. definitely wanting to go sub ohm. what would you recommend in the way of mech mods? i'm looking into a nemesis or chi you clone. any experience with either? or any other recs you could give before i buy? i'm leaning towards the nem.
  20. bump. got a few juices from velvet cloud vapor. mewlews magic blend, campfire, and maple mountain breakfast. they also sent me a little sample of caramel swirl, which was cool, but i would've rather they'd sent a different sample. only tried mewlews magic and maple mountain so far and both were pretty good but definitely need some time to steep. also got a bottle of night shift from a buddy which was decent. they are all 100% organic, kosher VG juice. they add a little bit of distilled, deionized water to thin it out, which may damper the flavor a bit. been steeping the night shift for a few days now and gonna give the other juices about a week.
  21. will it work well with my evic? or will it work better with a mech mod. i have an omega dripper but i can only build the coils to 1.2 ohms or higher so it hits very poorly.
  22. or should i just go with the aspire nautilus and scratch a new mod and RBA entirely? seems like there have been a lot of good reviews.
  23. so i have been vaping for about 8 months now -- my current, and essentially only set up since i started, is a joyetech evic with a kanger protank 3. it works fine, can't really complain. had i been more careful with the evic it would be in better condition, but it still works fine. just a little crack on the screen and some minor issues with the turn-wheel. BUT ANYWAY.. i really want something that is CONVENIENT and will give the best taste for my juices, as i am rather picky about my juice. a buddy of mine offered to sell me his smoktech magneto for $30 but i'm also looking into a nemesis clonse(any reviews/experiences are appreciated). as for an RBA, i'm really interested in either a kayfun 3.1 or an ithaka. my next question would be, would either of these tanks work well with my evic, or would you recommend pairing it with a mech mod? i have an omega dripper tank but can only build the coils to 1.2 ohms or higher, so in plain terms, it sucks on my evic -- taste and vapor production is minimal. responses and recommendations are SUPER appreciated. also, if anyone is selling anything that would fit my needs, feel free to message back. thanks a ton terrapin
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