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Everything posted by tjrod2013

  1. I hope your wifey converts too
  2. Last night he asked to try out my vape pen and though he still smoked analogs, he said he could probably give it a shot to make the complete switch. I know he's watching me right now, as I've been smoking the whole time he's known me and never ever tried to quit. I am 100% converted, and am excited to help him whenever he asks
  3. I tried the Blu menthol disposable, and really enjoy the taste. Wish I could find ejuice that tastes just like it
  4. My husband and I own a transmission repair business, and since I'm the boss , company policy definitely allows vaping at work lol
  5. Congratulations!!!
  6. Hi all! I am pretty new to vaping. I came down with bronchitis last week, and figured this would be the perfect time to make the switch. I have been vaping for five days now, and really enjoy it, and don't even miss analogs. I started with the V2 disposable, but when, in two days, I went through about five of those things, decided to get a nice little tank setup. I use the blow one with the T2 blowtank, and I am pretty happy with it so far. It's a great introductory piece to the world of vaping. I want to introduce my husband to vaping, but not quite sure how to do it? I got sick and it was pretty easy for me to make the switch, not sure about him. Anybody helped their spouse switch? Or did you guys dive in together? Thinking of getting him a setup like I've got, and he smokes Newports, so any suggestions on a e liquid that is similar would be greatly appreciated.
  7. I use 24mg....used to smoke half a pack a day of Newport 100s. I get a pretty good Nic fix from it Don't know if I want to actually decrease my level of Nic use though
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