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Everything posted by vaporchick

  1. Thanks!! you got that right about the robe. lol shes your typical Grandma! Cant wait to hear all the advice and I'm checking into yours now!
  2. Hey guys you probably dont remember me but I certainly havent forgotten you. Ive just been going through some difficult times with coming off a medication that has litterally sent me into being antisocial and misserable. Most of you know I'm a recovering addict and was off pills for 7 years. Well suboxone was my cruchy during that time and I decided it was time to move on. Today is day 8 and Im still in hell but I know I can do it. Ok enough about me. My Grandma loves her ecig but she cant keep from puffing so hard and blows it every time. It doesn't matter hyow many times I remind her she cant remember to to the dementia. I wish I could get my best friend back but its breaking my heart. Any advice on a ecig or cartomizer that might work well? we have tried ego brand batteries and the matching carts, 510 carts, boge lr and reg and I cant remember some others. Sometimes i think vaping is all she has for her hobbie and want so baddly for her to never have to puff on that nasty burn smell again. As you know the cost is pretty expensive going through a carto sometimes in a day and it's so frustraiting because no matter who often I shyow her how or what to do she forgets 3 min later if that. it's just breaking my heart to see my only best friend losing herself and I want to make her enjoy the one thing she loves. Oh and one more thing I use pink spot 12 mg for juice but told my grandfather maybe she needs a stroniger dose for the throat hit. He is iffy oh it cause her doc said the nicotine is bad for her heart and wanted her on the lowest. he is open for opinions and knows doctors are always anti ecig so if you guys could help us find some hope i'd be forever grateful!
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