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Everything posted by WVgirl79

  1. I knew it!! Thank you so much! I got on the kangertech website about 10 min ago and on there they showed they used two different coils. I was going to send it to him so he can see that he is giving people the wrong coils. thanks
  2. I recently bought a T3S tank, and i liked it. I'm usually an evod/aspire girl, but i liked these. Well i needed some coils so i went to my local vape store to buy some. Well i got home and the coils they gave me didn't look like they fit very well, but i went about my merry way, well a couple of hours later my shirt was soaked with juice. I got the box of coils and it said it was for protanks, evods, and unitanks. So i called them and the guys said he thought they all took the same coils now.. I'm just saying that those coils does not fit right! The tank doesn't even close all the way and inside you can see where the middle piece doesn't sit against the rubber piece like it usually does. Help! am i crazy?! LOL
  3. you own the fedora vapor??
  4. also which do u guys prefer, the t3's or evod tanks?? I bought some evod tanks, but heard t3's are even better.
  5. they are prepackaged each coil..in a blister like pack..is that all I need, just take out the old one and insert the new one??
  6. its by kangertech its 2.5 ohm..
  7. i bought some evod tanks, they are wonderful! I know you can buy coils for them. Is that all I need to buy is the coil?? no wires or nothing. I found some on ebay, but I wanted to be sure that's all I need. Also for any other evod users, how long do the coils last?? Thanks!
  8. okay your advice and bought a viva nova double tank to try it out..I have one question, do u put the juice in the top and the bottom??
  9. So this probably the problem with my other two tanks I thought were broke. thanks goodness for this website! I know I will have more questions in the future, well more like a day or two, but thank you again so much for the help!!
  10. The 650 are fixed and my 900 I can change the output. I can put my other tank on any of these batteries and it works great, but this one should be going out any time so I got another one out and like I said three later and I'm getting hardly any vapor. I tried puffing three times like you said. I got vapor every time, but when I go to inhale I hardly get any. if I let it set for a while then try again I might get a little, but nothing like its suppose too. I put it on my 900 volt battery and turned it up like you said and its working a lot better!!Thank you so much!!! I'm glad I bought this battery yesterday. LOL
  11. also I have no idea ohm means..sorry
  12. okay I have a triple 3 ego. I have a 900 and 650 battery. I have tried on both and I get little or no vapor. the clearomizer I use are the ce5, wickless. Usually when I put a new clearomizer on it works really really good, but the last three aren't working well at all. All my batteries are less than 3 weeks old and one I bought yesterday. I cannot take the coil outs they are disposable coils. I hope this helps. Thank you both for your help!!
  13. Thanks so much for your help. I am having another problem. I opened a new clearomizer the day before yesterday and it still isn't smoking right. I get little or no smoke. So I thought maybe this one was messed up so I opened a new one, this one is doing the same thing. I would like to know how to change my coils. Where would I get this information. thanks!
  14. I am completely new to vaping. I have a few questions, the ecig i have now has a wickless clearomizer tank. I have seen some that has wicks. Which is better?? Also my clearomizer has only been lasting about 2 weeks. Is this normal?? After 2 weeks time i am not getting a good hit, hardly any smoke. I clean the battery and blow all the juice that gets stuck in the middle tube thing. LOL Sorry if I sound stupid here, but i only know 2 other people who vape and they are new too..Thanks!
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