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About bispinosa

  • Birthday 05/15/1995

Profile Information

  • Location
    Virginia United States
  • Interests
    vaping, reefing, and firefighting.

bispinosa's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. do you want regulated? or mechanical?
  2. see if a local B&M has magnets that will work with it.
  3. buy the same juice at omg, and mix them. i generally drip at 3mg, but six really shouldnt be killing you. like the post above says, airflow? and how familiar are you with subohm vaping? battery safety and what have you.
  4. dripping i usually go through about 10-15ml a day, thats 24 hours, not just waking up to going to bed. in my mega, about 5ml a day.
  5. check out my vapez in Arlington, i haven't been to it but I've been to their store in Herndon. Arlington is a bit far for me to travel from Manassas, especially now that we've got like 3 stores opened here.
  6. heyo! where at in va are you?
  7. I sure hate pre-orders. but i couldn't resist. http://www.kidneypuncher.com/black-russian-91-v2-rba/
  8. signed up.
  9. with new cotton the flavor is always going to be off for awhile. but you may have messed up atomizer when rewicking. got any pictures?
  10. about 70mls a week, dripping is expensive haha.
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