LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape
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LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape got a reaction from 1cheater in Is this any good for newbie
Yeah I'm gonna check out the SID I want a color one rather than stainless steel.. I quite like the look of the kamry k100 and k102 aswell but the k100 I want to look girly like this pic dunno if it's any good or not tho tbh just like the color people stare at me ATM when I'm in the street vaping like WTF is that thing in ur hand lol
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to Vispera in Does anyone know what this is
Here ya go
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to Vispera in Does anyone know what this is
That thing is weird looking
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to bcartervol98 in Does your wife let you/do you vape in your house with kids/other people that don't vape
I vape everywhere and my wife does as well. For me it's part of the point. I do not believe second hand vapor to be harmful in any way.
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to Compenstine in Is any food flavor concentrates
Oil is not good on attys but is worse for your lungs It can coat your lungs and is not good for them.
The color is from two different things. Some flavoring have artificial color some juice companies add color. I don't add any food coloring as I feel it is just not needed to have good flavor. One less thing going in my body.
Always start with small amounts as you never know what you may or may not like and don't want to get get stuck with a large amount of flavoring you don't want. Flavor art is good and so is Capellas. If you find a flavoring you just love then buy the larger amount.
Hope that helps.
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to Compenstine in Is any food flavor concentrates
The best place to get flavorings is Wizard Labs. Don't know about international shipping. As far as getting flavorings from the store, stay away from any oil base flavorings. Make sure you look at the ingredients if you see anything that is a chem other than PG avoid it. Some work some don't you have to experiment since I don't what is available to you over the pond. There are no flavorings that are just for e cigarettes.
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to Proetus in Proetus's DiY Musing...
So I finally got all my supplies and decided i would keep all my musings here in one spot. Hopefully get some feedback from people and hopefully help others out. I mix all my juice 50/50 and 6mg.
Below is what i started with and What i thought of it using them tonight.
50ml Bomex Glass Beaker (Great for 30ml!)
10ml Bomex Glass Graduated Cylinder (Need more, perfect for small tasters)
10-1ml Pipettes (worthless imo)
Blunt needles (Get the bigger gauge!)
20ml-10ml-5ml-3ml-1ml Syringes (I'll be getting more of the smaller capacity. Washing between different jucie sucks, buy more!)
All flavors TFA
Vanilla Custard
Vanilla Swirl
Tobacco Type
Bavarian Cream
Caramel Candy
Coconut Extra
Ethyl Malto
Granny Smith Apple
Graham Cracker
Honey Dew
Juicy Peach
Ripe Banana
RY4 Double
Smooth Flavor
Sweet Cream
Banana Nut Bread
Flavour Art
7 Leaves Tobacco
Desert Ship
Mellow Tobacco
Citrus Mix
115ml 60mg 50/50 nic
8/28/13 First attempts - all flavors TFA unless otherwise noted.
RWhy4 By tc1 Mixed up exactly as he posted it.
6mg 50/50
10% Double RY4
5% Caramel Candy
5% Bavarian Cream
Smells Great in the bottle. Steeping for the next two days.
Apple Tobacco
6mg 50/50
Granny Smith Apple 5%
Tobacco Type 10%
Can smell the apple nicely, unsure on the tobacco flavor. Steeping for the next two days.
Banana Tobacco
6mg 50/50
Ripe Banana 5%
Tobacco Type 10%
Smooth 1%
Holy Banana batman! Same as the Apple bacco, we'll see on that flavor. Steeping for the next two days.
Melon Balls
6mg 50/50
Honeydew 8%
Canteloupe 8%
Both of these smell unmistakably like their respective fruits. Steeping for the next two days.
Peaches N Cream
6mg 50/50
Juicy peach 12%
Sweet Cream 5%
Great peach smell cream smelled so good i could almiost taste it. Steeping for the next two days.
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to JeremyVaper123 in Introduction - love KangerTech products!
My name is Jeremy, and I am from Southern California. I am a relatively new vaper. I started vaping a few months ago with a KangerTech Protank 2, and I absolutely love the tank! No leaking or problems for me personally (can't speak for everyone). Last week, I got an adjustable airflow control valve--almost impossible to find, but finally found one at their official site www.KangerTechUS.com for five bucks. I must say: it works perfectly on my battery and tank and makes my vaping experience so much better. Very large improvement on their part. I am very open to learning more about other brands besides KangerTech, especially for batteries. I know there is some great stuff out there and would like to explore those options. Please comment below for your favorite brands and products so I know which one to try next. Just wanted to introduce myself--can't wait to meet all of you in the coming months!
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape got a reaction from Patricia in Is this any good for newbie
Yeah I'm gonna check out the SID I want a color one rather than stainless steel.. I quite like the look of the kamry k100 and k102 aswell but the k100 I want to look girly like this pic dunno if it's any good or not tho tbh just like the color people stare at me ATM when I'm in the street vaping like WTF is that thing in ur hand lol
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to synthesis in Is this any good for newbie
Smoktech SID and ACE both come in a really nice pink.
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to Happy Vapor in Is this any good for newbie
Genisis style atomizers are not for beginners. Not downing you but if you have never done a rebuilding this is not what you want.
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to Tam in Is this any good for newbie
If you don't know exactly what it is that you're buying -- like in this case -- I would suggest you not buy it. An RBA is not for beginners. Learn with what you currently have first. Read everything you can about all different kinds of atomizers, RBAs, RDAs, mods, etc. as well as how to SAFELY use them and be sure you know how to build and use them safely before venturing further.
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to Compenstine in DIY HELP
If you haven't ordered your supplies yet, don't get 100% PG base nic when your trying to do high VG juice. Get the NIC in as a 100% VG base. That way you only have to add PG to get what you want. Most flavorings are PG base as well and you will have a hard time getting the ratio you want with your Base also at 100% PG. Run your numbers again with 100%vg base you will see what I mean.
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to hookahhighness in empty bottles
ya but im looking for bulk, in the hundreds dont really want to spend 60 bucks on 100 bottles in only one size
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to hookahhighness in empty bottles
trying to find various sized dropper bottles for a good price was at usplastics and they dont seem bad and c and p wasnt too bad either, so anyone else use a diff places?
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to Compenstine in Fast Tech Juice..
It will more than likely get stuck in customs and get sent back to Fast Tech. Don't order LI ion/IMR batteries from Fast Tech either they have the same fate in most cases.
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to Vispera in Greetings!
Moon mountain has great juice ive tried a few a friend had and loved them even though I cant for the life of me remember the name of them once I get through some of the juice I got they are next on my list
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to Jguay in Hellos
Hello to everyone here. I am new to this forum but not new to forum based websites. I am also new to the wonderful world of vaping. I started last week to try and finally quit smoking cigarettes. I feel that I have succeeded and am really turned onto the possibilities of vaping.
I bought a basic starter kit which included a evod USB and two different juices. I chose peach and Canadian tobacco. Both are very satisfying flavours.
I look forward to meeting all of you in the forums.
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to wvducklady in Greetings!
Thanks! I love hazelnut! I wish I could sample every hazelnut flavor made! My little heaven! Lol
I wish I could find someone to trade some tobacco eliquids to for hazelnut eliquids!
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to wvducklady in Greetings!
Thank you everyone for the welcome!!! Everyone seems nice! Lil miss del Rey vape, I do not know how new you areto vaping, but if you have not tried eliquids with maple in them I will give you a heads up! Eliquids with Maple in them can be strong! The maple pecan is mixed with pecan so it is not as strong. Now dont get me wrong maple pecan is a vey flavorful flavor! I love it!! It tastes like maple syrup mixed with pecan!! I like to almost fill my tank up with hazelnut then add about 8 drops to the tank! Then I like to also drip maple pecan!! You should try them!! I need to try me a peanut butter eliquid! Twisted, that is cool that we quit smoking around the same time! Snickerdoodles sounds amazing!!
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape got a reaction from wvducklady in Greetings!
Welcome, I'm new to thanks for sharing what juice ur using that sounds nice I'm currently using a peanut one but mite have to try hazelnut or maple pecan
LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape reacted to karz25 in Free Battery
looked around on the site and found the exact one i have! www.fasttech.com/products/1411/10004765/1368500-x6-1300mah-variable-voltage-rechargeable-battery thanks a lot, learned what i wanted to know!