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  1. Like
    PsychoMaster got a reaction from Uma in Ecig Taxes   
    Voted. I was the 31st in MI. It said I made a "big push to the pie chart", lol. I know I didn't, but every bit counts!
  2. Like
    PsychoMaster got a reaction from kitsune in Controlling My Spending.   
    Listen here! If my cc ever goes missing, there will be retribution, because I know it is my significant other trying to stop me. There is no stopping the madness...without therapy. Lots of therapy. Saddest part? I spent under $25 a month in smoking supplies, and spend over double that per month on vaping...but me and my fiance have never been happier (or more lovey-dovey, without my ash-tray mouth). She actually pushed me to keep on vaping. I, literally, owe her my life. I am grateful for her...but she best stay away from my CC!!!
  3. Like
    PsychoMaster got a reaction from Tagsanstuff in Controlling My Spending.   
    Listen here! If my cc ever goes missing, there will be retribution, because I know it is my significant other trying to stop me. There is no stopping the madness...without therapy. Lots of therapy. Saddest part? I spent under $25 a month in smoking supplies, and spend over double that per month on vaping...but me and my fiance have never been happier (or more lovey-dovey, without my ash-tray mouth). She actually pushed me to keep on vaping. I, literally, owe her my life. I am grateful for her...but she best stay away from my CC!!!
  4. Like
    PsychoMaster reacted to Christopher in It...is Almost Time.   
    I've used both and hands down prefer the Pro Vari. The Joker isn't a bad device per say (though my Joker died quickly) but the features and on the fly voltage changes on the Pro Vari make it worth it. It's built VERY well (I've dropped it more times than I can count) and it works perfect. No issues at all. It also comes with a 1 year warranty standard. I hear the few that have had issues, had their units fixed promptly. You might have to save a little but it's worth it. The pictures also don't do it much justice.

    EDIT: I checked Vaprlifes website and the Joker only comes with a 3 month warranty.
  5. Like
    PsychoMaster reacted to Christopher in It...is Almost Time.   
    I doubt that's going to be an issue with the Pro Vari to be honest. Thought it does have a lot of built in features so does a calculator. How often do those go out

    One thing to note about the Joker, if it's out of warranty Vaprlife will repair it for 30 bucks. Not sure what Pro Vape charges.
  6. Like
    PsychoMaster got a reaction from ThaHodgehound in How Many Of You Have A Ddd?   
    My fiance is my ddd. I hope the cartos I ordered work well, so I don't have to bug her as often! I know she says she don't mind, but still it would be nice not to have to have her do it for me! (She is also the one who encouraged me, very heavily I might add, to start vaping and quit smoking. She likes being able to hug and kiss me while smelling something that doesn't smell like an ashtray).
  7. Like
    PsychoMaster got a reaction from Uma in Wordupecig, A True Hero.   
    Hello all. I am here to give credit where credit is due. I recently had a charger break on me and ordered 2 of them from Wordupecig.com, where shipping is always free (so I save some green ). Well, I was contacted by Jeffrey who saw my post here on vaportalk. Below is the conversation we had. Now THIS is a man who shows EXCELLENT customer service, far above and beyond anything I have yet experienced. Jeffrey not only offers free shipping, but a helping hand when needed. He will see much business from me in the future.
    P.S. And this was all due to vaportalk's awesome forum.

    Hello this is Jeffrey Just seen your Post
    Please send me your order number I will expo the order to see if I can get it to you faster.
    Go to the contact page, I will get the MSG faster that way here is the link
    Thanks Jeffrey
    Wordup Ecig Super Store Where The Customer Comes First & Shipping Is Always Free

    I sent the message. Really, thank you for the offer, I just...Thanks. Would it be okay for me to use these messages on the forum board here? I REALLY want to let others know of the goodwill that you offered.

    Good morning
    I was looking at your join date, you joined on my B-day last year Very Cool.
    Yes if you want you can use it.
    that would be Very cool as well
    thanks Jeffrey
    Wordup Ecig Super Store Where The Customer Comes First & Shipping Is Always Free
  8. Like
    PsychoMaster got a reaction from Sharon in Dumb Charger.   
    Sharon: Plenty of juice got onto the adapter in the first week or so of having it, but eventually I learned about cleaning the battery off with a napkin and keeping any juice from getting onto the charger/adapter.

    Kitsune: It's okay. I guess I just had to learn that even if you are low on money, you should make sure that at some point, you get backup equipment for vaping. It is a hard lesson, but one that has probably made me a better vaper! Now I'll make sure that I don't ever screw up on chargers, batteries, atomizers, or e-juice...I've messed up at one point with all of them!
  9. Like
    PsychoMaster got a reaction from mastiffmom in Word Up Is Awesome   
    I like wordup, especially the domestic shipping . Then again, that is probably because I like having the amount I pay right in front of me and not having to go through the hoops and see what the end cost is.
  10. Like
    PsychoMaster got a reaction from Uma in Mad At Myself.   
    I'm thinking about just saving and ponying up the cash for a mod. Probably one from jolly if at all possible, his look awesome. I want a BEAST that can take a beating and keep on vaping...there is just SO MANY out there though. Very hard to choose any ONE.
  11. Like
    PsychoMaster reacted to Jeffb in Smoke Free Counter   
    Click on my banner, insert your info, cut and paste BB Code into your signature on your Profile page.
  12. Like
    PsychoMaster reacted to rguevara in Smoke Free Counter   
    Can it be copied, as a signature, into emails?
  13. Like
    PsychoMaster reacted to Christopher in Smoke Free Counter   
    Sure can. When you create the code choose the "HTML" version rather than the "BBCODE"

    Keep in mind however, some email services (such as Gmail for example) will block images by default unless the person approves it first.
  14. Like
    PsychoMaster reacted to Jolly in Noobie Guide To Vaping   
    (Please only post questions OR additional noobie info in here to keep this thread clean. ie: no thank you, good post, etc, posts)

    This is to help you play catch up on what the veterans know.

    Basic ecig Parts

    A.) Cartridge - holds the ejuice and is also a mouth piece. this part can be replaced with a drip tip and is what most do
    B.) Atomizer - has an element that heats up the ejuice and as you pull air threw it vapor is produced.
    * sub B section - you can also use cartomizers, they are atomizers with filler to hold juice and are a tad shorter in size.
    C.) battery - these will be 3.7v Lithium Ion batteries, they supply the power to the atomizer. they come in auto (activated by suction) or manual (activated by button)

    Common Ecigs

    What's the best ecig
    This is more dependent on how you vape and your needs for vapor, throat/lung hit, battery life needs and other factors.
    Most people will advise the ego/tornado/riva as they all have a nice battery life and are built good (ego being the favorite of the three)
    this is the ego mega and regular batteries with manual buttons

    Ecig Model Numbers
    These are based on the atomizer they use
    when one says 510 kit, they generally are referring to the cigarette shaped ecig. like the first picture of this post.

    Why we tell you not to get cigarette shaped ecigs
    A cigarette shaped battery runs $12 for a normal manual 510

    9hrs at $20 (ego battery) 540mins
    45mins (510 kit battery) 540 ÷ 45 = 12
    12 (batteries) x $12 = $144

    so for mAh (Milliamp hours), it is a lot less expensive to buy a larger battery.
    this will also keep you from having to buy more batteries. explained after next set of math.

    510 kit batteries needed for 9hrs
    9hrs (540mins) ÷ (45min run time + 2hr charge time = 165mins) = 3.272727273 batteries needed to run 9hrs on 510 kit
    3 x $12 = $36 - 1 ego battery = $20 = $16 saved. that is initial cost only!!

    45min x 2 is what you have ready to go after your first needs charged (90mins).
    your first battery is going to take 2hrs to charge so by the time you run out the other two the first is done charging.
    so just to keep going you would need at bare minimum you want two 510 chargers, this means more $$.
    why you ask? at night when you don't have a single battery to use, you will only be able to charge 1 while you sleep. it would be more ideal to have 3 or one of the larger chargers that do more than one and have no less than 10 batteries ready to go.
    on top of this when you go out you will have a pocket full of batteries, making this not a very portable device to bring with you.

    other than that you have to recharge more often and the more you charge the more you replace. batteries have an # of recharges before they start failing to keep their charge. now you may say by logic that you are only charging once on those small batteries in that 9hr time, so there isn't an issue on life, BUT, the smaller the battery the less times you can charge it before the failing starts. also consider that you have 3 batteries that will fail

    First Order
    When you get an ecig make sure that you have spares of everything.
    the atomizers, cartomizers, batteries, and juice are all going to need purchased at some point again.
    Your first cart should consist of NO LESS than, 5 atomizers, 2 packs of cartomizers (5 in a pack), your kit, 2 extra batteries (i would advise mega batteries), 1 extra charger, and a nice amount of juice.
    the last thing you want is to have to wait on something you didn't buy enough of to come in. if one thing is missing you will go right back to smoking, nobody wants that.

    Mods and Why
    Mods are usually over looked or not even known to noobies of the ecig world.
    these devices can be anywhere from 3.7v to 8.4v.
    the point is that some people need one of two things, longer battery life with less cost and/or an aggressive throat hit.
    as a newbie i wouldn't advise a mod above 3.7v that doesn't have the option to go as low as 4.2v
    if it is not a variable voltage you are stuck on that till you get something lower if you don't like it.
    i say 4.2v because any 3.7v battery charges UP TO 4.2v. most people love vaping that initial fresh charged battery. voltage drops after usage to as low as 2.9v

    Mods will use batteries like these

    these are all 3.7v batteries with a much longer charge life vs a kit ecig.
    you can find almost all of these batteries from US suppliers for $5 each.
    a 3.7v mod using the largest battery (18650) can last you 4+ days @ $8 for the battery.

    some mods can last up to 4+ days before needing to be recharged.

    I'm not going to go into mods or pictures of mods. you can do that on your own, also watch youtube videos about the mods before thinking its large.
    the standard ones people use are
    silver bullet
    tekk mod (prone to cracking at the top unless you find someone that knows how to make them correctly)
    some sort of wetbox (check reviews of these missys wetbox fails quite often due to her under rated buttons and cost $15 to fix)
    (there are a crazy amount of mods out there, this is just a small list of the most talked about)



    Noob - Beginner
    OP - Original Post(er)
    Analog - Regular Cigarette
    Mod - Homemade device or a Moderator.
    Pull - The act of sucking on the mouthpiece to pull the vapor into your mouth
    TH - Throat Hit (The tingling sensation in the back of your throat)
    Vapor - the "smoke" emitted from an e-cigarette
    Vape, Vaping - The use of an e-cigarette (similar to the term "smoking" when referring to an analog)
    Topping off - Adding drops of e-liquid to your current cartridge.
    Dripping - Vaping by adding a few drops of e-liquid directly on the atomizer instead of using a cartridge.
    Dipping - Sticking the bridge of the atomizer in e-liquid.


    E-cig or E-cigarette - Electronic Cigarette
    PV - Personal Vaporizer
    Atty - Atomizer
    Cart - Cartridge
    Bat - Battery
    Filler - The fiber found inside your cartridge that holds your e-liquid
    PCC - Personal Charging Case
    SD - ScrewDriver
    JS - Janty Stick
    PT - Passthrough or passthrough battery
    2-piece/Disposable - 2 part e-cigarette. The Battery and a "cartomizer".
    Cartomizer - An atomizer built into the cartridge, marketed as disposable (you throw it away when the e-liquid is used up).
    3-piece - 3 part e-cigarette. Battery, Atomizer, and Cartridge.
    Cutoff - Refers to how long the battery will activate the atomizer before shutting down (safety measure to protect the atomizer).


    E-juice, e-liquid, juice - the liquid nicotine that you fill your cartridges with.
    DIY - Do it yourself (homemade e-liquid mixture)
    PG - Propylene Glycol
    VG - Vegetable Glycerin(Glycerine = glycerin = vegetable glycerin(e) = glycerol)
    PEG - Polylethylene Glycol


    VT - Vaportalk
    VG - Vaporgalaxy
    VB - Vaporbomb
    ENS - electronicstix
    JC - Johnson Creek
    PS - PureSmoker
    TW - Totally Wicked
    EST - E-smokeytreats
    JS - JantyStick
    SD - ScrewDriver
    GG - The GG!


    FDA - Food and Drug Administration
    ECA - Electronic Cigarette Association
    NRT - Nicotine Replacement Therapy (patch, gum, e-cig)
    PH - Public Health
    BP - Big Pharmaceutical Companies
    BT - Big Tobacco Companies
    ALF - American Legacy Foundation
    'Anti's - Anti-smoking people who do not acknowledge that vaping is a viable alternative to smoking analogs.
    RYO - Roll your own (tobacco)

    Universal Forum Lingo

    AFAIK - As Far As I Know
    BTW - By The Way
    DOA - Dead On Arrival (didn't work from the moment I got it)
    FWIW- For What It's Worth
    FYI - For Your Information
    IDK - I Don't Know
    IIRC - If I Recall/Remember Correctly
    IMO or IMHO - In My Opinion or In My Humble Opinion (some mean 'H' to be Honest)
    IOW - In Other Words
    JK or JJ - Just Kidding or Just Joking
    JS - Just Saying
    OMG or OMFG - Oh My God and it's adult extension
    PITA - Pain In The ***
    PWN - Own or "dominate"
    ROTFLOL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud
    ROTFLMFAO - ^ Adult Extension of above
    SOL - (can't be helped or fixed)
    (SP?) - Used when unsure of the spelling of the previous word
    TIA - Thanks In Advance
    TMI - Too Much Information (too personal)
    TOS - Terms Of Service ("the rules")
    TROLL - A person that posts in a forum/thread with the sole intention of provoking an argument (can sometimes also imply a "spy")
    TY - Thank You
    WOOT - Exclamation, as in Hooray! (Sometimes: Want One Of Those)
    WTF - Same As below
    WTH - What/Where/Who The Hell
    YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary (your experience may differ from mine)
  15. Like
    PsychoMaster reacted to Christopher in Vapor Talk.com Forum Rules   
    Please take a moment to read our forum rules. When the ban hammer comes down "I didn't know" won't fly. We're a kick back forum with lots of information. All we ask is you take a moment to read these rules

  16. Like
    PsychoMaster reacted to egoluvr in Direct Dripping - Aluminum Drip Tip Ego   
    Why do I get better vapor production using a standard cart without the filling as opposed to the drip tip which is supposed to be designed for direct dripping, also has anyone else felt like the cone blocks air flow?
  17. Like
    PsychoMaster reacted to AimeeG in Direct Dripping - Aluminum Drip Tip Ego   
    I have wanted a cone with air hole designs in it for better air flow while still keeping leaks to a minimum but would still keep the cool/complete looking vibe of the cone. No luck on that unless I borrow a dremmel tool and take it to my cones and make star patterns or something.

    In the end, yes, the cone off makes for better air flow on an atty. But it also doesn't have the leak gathering properties that there are with the cone on. And it doesn't look as cool.
  18. Like
    PsychoMaster got a reaction from Uma in Gaming Laptop   
    Okay, I studied computers for 3 1/2 years, which is actually not that much, so someone with more experience might come along. But the processor is ok, the price to up it is ridiculous and not worth the little extra kick it gives. The video card is AWESOME, my bro has a 512 and runs a few high-quality demanding games like Starcraft 2 at high settings. Black ops should look beautiful. 6 GB memory/RAM is good, don't need any more than that. 750GB hard drive should be enough for whatever you need, unless you got a bunch of *ahem* "freeware" (totally NOT talking about "pirated" movies and/or music <.<). Unless you need it, the other software is for stuff like running a business, or going to college. As for Anti-Virus, I just use AVG Free (like the name says, it's free) and Spybot Search and Destroy (also free), google it if you want.
    Battery all depends on how long you need it to run, I just kept mine stationary, so I changed to a desktop. Adaptors are the same, if you need it, get it, otherwise no point. No idea on the difference in screens, probly just a gloss or something...might be worth checking out. "Primary Optical Drive" all depends on what you need, do you NEED Blu-Ray? Do you NEED to burn "ahem" copies of your previously legally bought software? It's up to you.
    The networking bit MIGHT be worth $25 to get the Bluetooth, I never used it, but it depends on whether or not you have, or will, need it.
    The thing said it had an included port for broadband internet, so if you have dsl or cable internet, you SHOULD be fine, but they have usb adapters for that just in case. If you want some good sound, get a set of speakers, the ones in laptops usually blow. BE SURE to get a surge bar, either use one you have or get a new one, but make sure its good, because you could lose it all in a heartbeat if you have a power fluctuation.
    Looks like a good computer, just an fyi though, if you don't need portability, a desktop is cheaper for all of the same components, which means with that money you could get a better desktop
    But I digress, hope I helped.
  19. Like
    PsychoMaster got a reaction from juliery in Pumpkin Spice-Vapor Renu   
    The man works wonders! I swear, the Mountain Dew Code Red tastes awesome! I was also skeptical at first, because the prices were low and have been like that for a couple of months (since I first saw his site, really) but the flavor was just AWESOME. I didn't care much for the full menthol (too strong, he's serious about the power) but the Tobacco Menthol was great. I will probably continue to buy from Vaporrenu and Tastyvapor almost exclusively, because they have great flavors, for great prices. Oh, don't forget, he can also double or triple the flavor (watch out, it gets strong).
  20. Like
    PsychoMaster got a reaction from Schizophretard in New York Ban Ecig Ban   
    Done. I hate signing my name because it always makes me nervous for some reason. Maybe I shoulda just put my first name, but then again it's not like I did something wrong, so eh. I am from Michigan, and anything that affects one of our states, affects all of us. For Freedom, For Vaping!
  21. Like
    PsychoMaster reacted to Burn in 3.7 V Vs 5.0 And Low Rez Atomizers   
    Think about the process like this.

    There is a coil that is at the center of every e-cig. It heats up the liquid and produces the vapor. IF you increase the power(wattage) of the coil you increase the heat which will change the output of the vapor. How it changes it can be a little subjective but higher voltage typically produces greater vapor volume and can diminish the flavor. Once again this is subjective but it is important to recognize that the variable that I am discussing is the heat of the coil.

    A higher voltage battery will increase the power, therefore the heat of the coil. You also must realize that there is another factor of the equation and that is the resistance of the coil/atomizer. If you were to use 3.7v of power with a standard atomizer that has a resistance level (ohm) of 2.2 your wattage output would be 6.22 watts, this is the amount of power that is being applied to the coil. Let's say you were to use a 5.0 V power source, with the same atomizer, the wattage would be 11.36 watts, almost twice as much as a 3.7 power source.

    Another approach is the use of a lower resistance atomizer, usually rated around 1.5 ohm. a 3.7 power source would them produce a wattage of 9.12 This allows you to produce power that is close to a 5v power source without needing a new device or batteries. These are pretty easy to get and not very expensive, many suppliers offer these, including the Vapor Talk store.

    In both of these examples, what we are effectively doing is increasing the power to the coil, elevating the heat of the coil to manipulate the vapor that is being produced.

    A couple of notes: a LR atomizer will not work on the standard 510 battery as it does not have enough battery capacity for the output. Also a LR atomizer should not be used on a 5v power supply as it will overload the coil and break it, similar to a power surge on a light bulb.

    I hope this is not too complicated but in essence, this is exactly what the power discussions are all about, end wattage. It can be easy to lose this principle as everyone talks about devicess, atomizers, batteries, passthroughs, etc. At the end of the day, the end wattage is what heats the coil and will produce more or less vapor/flavor.

    Power is calculated through Joule's law. You can find an easy to use calculator here:

    A wiki post with a good explanation is here:

    One option that is available to you that was not to me a few months ago when I was starting was variable voltage devices. These allow you to adjust the end wattage through the use of a variable regulator. It can give you 3.7v up to 6V and everything in between. However, it does require batteries and sizes. I did a review of one of these that can be found here (includes size comparisons).


    The eGo is a tremendous device, one that I used and it works well with a LR atomizer. There is no shortage of eGo or eGo similar devices.

    I strongly recommend that you read all the reviews and discussions you can before you buy. You may also want to stop into the video chat room where you will never find a shortage of people to discuss this with you.

    I know there is a lot of info in this post and I hope it was helpful. I bought 6 devices until I found the one for me (and I am probably still not done... ) and I hope that this post will help you avoid having to go through the typical progression of devices that most go through to find out what is best for their needs.

    Remember, evaluate what your needs are and what is important to you. Just because a device works well for me (or anyone else) does not ensure it is a good fit for you. Find out why people like the devices and match that up with your requirements. Good Luck.
  22. Like
    PsychoMaster got a reaction from noXious in Fda Loses Woot Woot   
    And here I thought I'd be on the naughty list for sure. Thank you Lord! This truly is a blessing! Christmas miracles exist! I am now a believer in good ol' St. Nick. Btw Chris love the code. FDA sucks indeed!

    So...does this mean that tax might need to be implemented on electronic cigarette equipment? I'm cool with it, just wondering. I pay tax on everything else, why not something that truly makes me happy?
  23. Like
    PsychoMaster got a reaction from noXious in Got Someone To Start Vaping!   
    So, I got my cousin to start vaping. He actually quit smoking a few years back, but he started chewing. He wanted to quit since my father, who chews, recently started losing teeth. My mother who smokes, also started having jaw problems and has had a few teeth removed already. It's sad, but at least one of my family has made the switch.
    My cousin figures that it is probably healthier in the long run than something that is PROVEN to cause health problems. Got him a TW Tornado kit when it was on sale a little while back. He likes to vape to kill the craving, so he vapes 36mg of nic. Got him Parisian Vanilla as his first flavor and he loves it. Oh yeah, and he got a drip tip cause he saw mine and wanted what I had and not something else, so then I had to explain the difference. He ended up getting a Long Drip tip, and I have a shorty (Figured I'd get a couple mega batts while ordering for him, shame on me ).
    Sorry I drone on and on, just wanted to share the news!
  24. Like
    PsychoMaster reacted to Uma in Vaping And Cataracts   
    Mine get crazy blurry at times too, but I'm blaming mine on the backlights of my pc and especially cell phone. Both of which are on the lowest brightness settings, and still too bright. The days I refrain from either one, are good days, without any blurr at all. The eCig has me constantly researching one thing or another from new supplies to new toys, and when I'm not on the pc I'm walking all over the land like a treasure hunter with a metal detector searching for 3g service and then surfing from there.

    Our eyes are used to the lightbulb overhead or behind us, not directed straight at us. It's like looking into the sun all day long.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
    It's not my ego it's not my ego it'snotmyego itsnotmyego
  25. Like
    PsychoMaster reacted to noXious in Vaping And Cataracts   
    Haha .. I second that motion!
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