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Everything posted by Justin_Knuth

  1. My nemmy clones (Hcigar) are out for delivery they should be here in the next couple of hours I got the Stainless steel and the two toned one so excited, gonna go to the local vape shop after and get my Magnets and some more Juice..
  2. Are the Hcigar Nemesis's american made? Im thinking about getting one, and ive heard that these are the best clones out there.
  3. when i use menthol i find it best to not use menthol all by itself instead just add a few drops to something else, i had some watermelon that i mixed it with and it came out pretty good. So yeah just get a different flavor and when filling your tank (i'm assuming you are using a take on an ego battery) just add a few drops of menthol to whatever you have.
  4. What should i clean it with? Like alcohol and a q-tip?
  5. I measured with a ohm meter at the Vape shop i got the battery. I have a patriot and a K101
  6. it says (top line) "SE US18650VTC4 C4" (bottom line) "G 0760041WA6B" With a big RJ to the right but the R is backwards
  7. My camera unfortuenlty sucks so I can't get a better pic.
  8. I just purchased a sony vtc4, well at least i think i did. I have a .26 ohm build on it and its getting really hot, im at 14.23 amps. is it normal for it to get hot or do you think i got a fake? I bought it at Dark Vapes (a store at the mall in Temecula Ca. I will post a couple of pictures in a min.
  9. Lmao i think we all have this problem, i am always wanting to buy new stuff but my kid comes first. I just got a sony vtc4 today and 60ml of juice tho was pretty excited lol
  10. Im using a K101, and yes i have not used it like that since i actually acknowledged it was backwards, my heart honestly dropped in fear when i took it out and i was so glad that nothing bad happened. I just wanted to know if anyone has every tried it before.
  11. you aren't talking about the rubber insinuator to keep the positive and negative from touching are you?
  12. So today i was vaping and my battery died, so i did what anyone else would do and realized i had put the dead battery in backwards.. .. I felt really stupid and i wondered why it was even working in the first place and just figured that instead of having a single Positive post and two negative posts I was vaping with two positive posts and one negative. After i put the charged battery in i realized that the clouds weren't as dense as before. So my question here, is it dangerous to vape with the battery in backwards? I mean i vaped on it all day and didn't notice it over heating or anything out of the ordinary. Just the bigger/denser clouds.
  13. straight lung, get to much vape from RDA to do a mouth to lung lol.
  14. Hey guys i just got a trust fire daul battery charger, it has two settings: 3.0 and 3.6.. i was wondering if any of you know if its safe or not to charge my 18650 3.7 batteries.
  15. i dont think these are the same as the ones that come with mine, I'm going to keep it below 10a just in cause its pushing 4.666 right now at .9 ohm's
  16. Hey guys, i started a Facebook page not to long ago trying to gather my friends and vapers in my community to just talk about and share or mods and what not. So far we have 90 likes in the couple days that we've had it up. Just trying to see if any of you would be interested in checking it out. Leave feed back if you'd like... As long as its not negative lol https://www.facebook.com/vaporanonymous
  17. gonna wrap it in electrical tape now, don't want the damn thing to be firing off in my pocket.
  18. I took the shrink wrap off to find there is a code printed on it "13J17"
  19. I honestly don't even think i could get lower than .9 lol i haven't been able to, I,m using 28 gauge kanthal on a Patriot.
  20. Alright, thanks for the advise
  21. Neither can i, even looked on the Kamry website. And no i have a 1.2 ohm build right now. I just wanted to know what it was. For future reference.
  22. Does anyone know the max Amps for The kamry 18650 3.7v battery?
  23. The threads are a lot more spaced apart and don't hold as good as the normal one.
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