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METALHEAD reacted to Rixter in Best Ry4?
After vaping nothing but Dulcis through a dual-coil 1½Ω 306 atomizer at 15 watts (7½ watts per coil) a little today and a lot this evening, I have to say that of all the desert vapes I've tried, this just might be my favorite one yet.
I don't even know if Dulcis is supposed to be categorized as an RY4-styled e-liquid, because it doesn't seem to project "Vanilla" like other RY4s typically do. It does have the "Caramel" needed to be grouped in the RY4 box, but it's really a different animal altogether.
For me, Dulcis tastes like a really rich, warm, caramel-marinated medium-dark tobacco blend with lots of flavor. It is not wimpy on the tobacco, either...that part stands right out in the mix. The sweet caramel is also recognizably apparent from the beginning of the draw and stays put right through to the end.
As I mentioned earlier, "Vanilla" did not seem to be a component of this juice, but honestly, it wasn't missed at all. In fact, even though the flavor gives you the impression of vaping a really good RY4, the lack of vanilla is a definite plus for Dulcis in that it makes it stand out in a crowd. It's bold without being too complicated. Good stuff.
I will be ordering more of this for a fact. I hope there will be some bigger bottles available because I think a well-steeped 50 ml. bottle of Dulcis would be a real treat.
Oh, yeah...at an unusually light (for me) nicotine level of 16 mg., Dulcis packs one hell of a throat hit, too.
METALHEAD got a reaction from guitardoc64 in Oh no, bad news for Vapers
Once the Feds get involved its over. Prices will skyrocket, say goodby to clones and mechanicals as they won't be "safe". FDA will require certified labs to make juice tripling the price and penalties for disobidenece will deter any "average joe" without a good lawer to startup a business. Permits will be expensive and difficult to obtain. All in the name of " we did something to save a life" so vote for me.
METALHEAD got a reaction from guitardoc64 in Ecigs Discussed on The Five
V for Vendetta?
Great quote which I suspect was taken as a spin off of a Thomas Jefferson quote:
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
METALHEAD reacted to mikelove in Bump when you get something in vape mail.
Check discountvapers.com before you order again
METALHEAD reacted to Joshuab3687 in 32Ga Kanthal on Igo-W
6 wraps of 32g around a 5/64th bit should yield around a 2.4ohm coil
If you did that twice and wanted to run dual coil setup, you'd still yield a nice 1.2 ohm setup. You can still run that on many regulated mods
METALHEAD got a reaction from LiL Miss DeL ReY Vape in The newest new guy
Hey folks, I'm from Long Island NY and traded in the tobacco for an ego starter kit in November '13 and haven't had a cigaret , a cigar or even the desire for one since. I actually gave a cigar a try in late December, (I used to have a cigar a week at the cigar bar in town) and I put it out to Vape instead. I don't miss them one bit.
I upgraded to an Itaste VV around christmas which was great for a few months but just this week got a Vamo V5 and 5 extra batteries and I'm sold on mods now. I haven't changed tanks yet. Im still vaping on the Kanger Ts3 and I'm looking to upgrade to the Aspire Nautilus which for some reason is difficult to find in stock right now. It seems like it is a very sought after tank with its great reviews.
METALHEAD got a reaction from Joshuab3687 in The newest new guy
I actually just ordered one. I was able to put it in my cart and checkout. It says "usually ships within 24 hours". Earlier today it said out of stock. I guess well see.
METALHEAD reacted to irwink in The newest new guy
Welcome! You've started on a fun ride if you're like most.