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Everything posted by METALHEAD

  1. Got some 1.8 ohm replacement coils for the Nautilus. $23 shipped. I should have checked the coil prices before I committed to a tank. Thats freakin expensive.
  2. Vamo V5. Been playing with wattages and voltages. It seems to be improving a little bit but I have to keep messing with the tightness of the tanks lower seal.
  3. I did but no luck. I am having some luck with the tank loosened up. Ive been tightening the glass down till it stops. Not torquing it but snugging it down. I tried loosening it up 2 turnes and I got some bubbles float up and much better function. Still doesn't seem right though.
  4. Not to get too political but the older I get the more right I find myself leaning. Im tired of paying entitlements out of my paycheck and the over regulation of every thing I do. Im a big boy now (32) with my own kids. My parents are gone and though I miss them, just when the freedom of being an adult peaked, I find our government has become my new "parent" telling me what I can and cannot do. Lets just say that I'm at the point where I won't even sign a politicians primary petition before I do a google search about where they stand on certain topics. I have become VERY aware of who my leaders are vote accordingly. Its becoming very difficult to call America a Free country.
  5. These don't have the rubber cap on them if I'm thinking of the same thing you are.
  6. So I got this tank in the mail a few days ago and I hate to say it but I'm disappointed. I have read so many great things about it that I feel like I must have either gotten a bad coil or its me. I gotta suck on this tank like a vacuum to keep the wick wet enough to produce nice vapor without giving me a dry hit. The small hole is IMO too small to Vape on but I use it to prime the wick by sucking hard on that hole and then switching to one of the larger ones to Vape on. I found if I drip a few drops of juice down the chimney it Vapes awesome, nice clouds, I don't have to suck like a fiend and I have a much more pleasant experience. I wrote to Aspire to see what they think. Maybe the holes in my coil assembly are too small or something. Maybe quality control is dropping as they are trying to keep up with production. Maybe its me. Thoughts?
  7. Just got an Apsire Nautilus in the mail today too. Found it at http://www.viper-vape.com
  8. I was amazed at how fast I forgot about cigarettes. A few days and I was over it and looking for more cloud. Push on, upgrade if you need to for vapor improvement but don't go backwards. I dropped my nic down to 6 over a few months and I'm stuck here. I vape a lot at night and found more than 12 kept me up at night. I use 6 during the day now and if I plan to vape a lot I cut it with some zero nic so I don't lose sleep.
  9. FWIW I just made the move from a Itaste VV to the Vamo V5 and I am qute pleased with it so far.
  10. I actually just ordered one. I was able to put it in my cart and checkout. It says "usually ships within 24 hours". Earlier today it said out of stock. I guess well see. http://www.viper-vape.com/products/aspire-nautilus.html
  11. From what I have read and watched on YT it just seems to be very trouble free, great vapor production and no gurgling or leaking issues. Its also adjustable air flow which makes it tunable for juice viscosity and hit type. Its not the sleekest looking tank IMO and looks rather delicate but it does get great reviews from most of the big shot equipment connoisseurs. Thats enough for me.
  12. Hey folks, I'm from Long Island NY and traded in the tobacco for an ego starter kit in November '13 and haven't had a cigaret , a cigar or even the desire for one since. I actually gave a cigar a try in late December, (I used to have a cigar a week at the cigar bar in town) and I put it out to Vape instead. I don't miss them one bit. I upgraded to an Itaste VV around christmas which was great for a few months but just this week got a Vamo V5 and 5 extra batteries and I'm sold on mods now. I haven't changed tanks yet. Im still vaping on the Kanger Ts3 and I'm looking to upgrade to the Aspire Nautilus which for some reason is difficult to find in stock right now. It seems like it is a very sought after tank with its great reviews.
  13. Do you mind sharing where you ordered from? I've been looking around and it seems its out if stock on many sites.
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