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Everything posted by METALHEAD

  1. I hate my naiutilus. I'd much rather drip on a rda. I don't know what all the hype was about. Worst vape buy ever for me.
  2. I thought I was doing it right. I slipped the cotton under the coils and folded it back around the coils to kinda wrap the coil in cotton. I left the end open like a chimney but it doesn't seem to pull enough juice toward the coil. It sputters, makes a thin cloud and often burns the cotton. Cotton too tight maybe? Too much cotton maybe? I dunno but I'm certainly missing something. Are they always this fickle to get right? A micro coil with cotton pulled through just seems to work no matter what ya do.
  3. I just don't seem to be able to get a good wick going on a nano coil. No matter what I do, I can't seem to beat a simple 5/6 wrap .5 ohm coil on a 3/32 bit center wicked with cotton. Not sure why I bother trying other things. I tried the dragon coil 5 times and it just doesn't wick well. I get burned cotton and crappy vapor. Did a twisted coil .35 ohm... Good vape, not worth the extra wire and time Did another twisted .72 ohm, slow burn but nothing special. Come to grips with a simple micro with cotton pulled through or continue on experimenting?
  4. Once the Feds get involved its over. Prices will skyrocket, say goodby to clones and mechanicals as they won't be "safe". FDA will require certified labs to make juice tripling the price and penalties for disobidenece will deter any "average joe" without a good lawer to startup a business. Permits will be expensive and difficult to obtain. All in the name of " we did something to save a life" so vote for me.
  5. If you think your government is looking out for you then this conversation is already over. Sorry to break it to you but we do not live in an "enlightened country". Whatever that is supposed to mean. Our govt is too powerful and only cares about getting re elected. They don't care about you. Banking regs? Really? So you want regs on e-liquid and e-cigs?
  6. Regulation is not about safety, its about population control and votes. Being the political party to save a life sounds better on the podium to the sheeple than being the political party that gave people freedom to be stupid.
  7. Ive got the same setup and I like it. I had to make my holes bigger though. I went up to 1/16 then 5/64. Factory holes were too small for my tastes. Looks good on the vamo too. Compact, effective and no issues.
  8. The Vamo v5 can check ohms and won't run anything less than 1.2 anyway. I use 32 ga, 6 wrap dual coil. Getting 1.2-1.3 ohms. Eta: I found this too. Plug in the numbers and it will ballpark your finished coil ohms. You can mess with the variables to see what works.
  9. Ha, okay so I drilled out the holes in my IGOw and now it whistles when I inhale. Anyone else have this irritating problem and or a fix?
  10. I have a v5 but nothing else to compare it to. It works very good though and the price is right. I would reccomend it.
  11. FIFY Good Luck! Its an easy ride, once you find the right equipment.
  12. I'm glad I could be a positive role model. Haha Congrats.
  13. V for Vendetta? Great quote which I suspect was taken as a spin off of a Thomas Jefferson quote: When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
  14. Yup, but deep down she hates it I can tell. She just asked me tonight if I thought it was bad for the kids (1&4) to see me Vape. I my oldest when he asked that its my medicine. He hasn't asked since. I don't blow clouds in his face, and try to Vape when he isn't looking but yeah she lets me and yeah, she hates it.
  15. My current setup is 32 ga kanthal with 7/6 wraps dual coil on an Igo-w, cotton wick and it just works so darn good on the V5 I figured I would try this holy grail of wicking methods, the Nano coil dragon setup and I must be doing something wrong. It just doesnt even come close to a 5/64 coil wind with the cotton pulled through the middle. Even the flavor is better. I did 2 nano coils on a .80mm paper clip, running 1.2 ohm between the two of them, did all the wicking as described and its Meh. Okay vapor but not as good as my current setup and fickle on juice wicking. Too much and it bogs out, not enough and its a weak cloud. I just see no need to go through the extra trouble.
  16. Just avoid juice with nicotine. No need to risk an unnecessary addiction.
  17. Lots of cool looking coils in this thread as well as lots of crazy terms. Is there a link to a "coil building dictionary" available? Bunny coil, dragon wicks, nano and micro coils. Holy hell batman! I haven't felt this out of place since the time I found out what "alternative lifestyle" night at my local bar was really all about.
  18. Ha…Im sure I won't escape a few dry hits in my future. As with anything there is going to be a learning curve. Personally, one of the reasons for messing around with a RDA is the simplicity and capability of a DIY fix without having to rely on factory parts. It should be in my mailbox tomorrow. Im really looking forward to getting a coil made up and squirting some bobas bounty in there. I hope I'm not disappointed. How is the airflow on the IGO W? Is it a hard pull or an open Vape? BTW, how long before my computer stops trying to autocorrect the word Vape with Tape? lol
  19. Well I switched to some thinner liquid and its working better. I was using bobas bounty (100%vg) I switched to some 80/20 , put in a new coil and it seems to working now but it really should be able to handle whatever I throw at it, especially with all the positive reviews it gets. Maybe the hype set me up for disappointment. When it works its Very good.
  20. I was going to give cotton a try. Why do you ask?
  21. Cigaretts in NY cost me 75$ a week. It depends where you live and how much you smoke. A pack a day at $11 a pack. I been spending about $100 a month between juice and add-ons. Im still saving $125-150 a month.
  22. Its a great thing. I got two of my good friends off cigarets a few weeks ago with a pair of Itaste VV and some aspire tanks. They have made their money back already by not buying cigarets and they love it. They in turn got one of their neighbors off the smokes just this week and she loves it. Whats not to like? Its cheaper, healthier and offers a way to keep the mind occupied futzing with tanks, juice and equipment so analogs become easy to forget. My worry is that its going to get too much attention politically and become over regulated end expensive. Govt is going to wonder why cigaret tax money is disappearing and take over everything. It is inevitable and sad.
  23. Thanks. $4 cheaper there. Still pricey though.
  24. Awsome, thanks for the quick reply.
  25. Ive got a Igo- w coming this week and some 32Ga kanthal wire laying around that I was using to rebuild some Kanger coils. Can I use 32Ga on the Igo? Im not looking for Sub ohms, I'm shooting for something over 1.2 as my device won't fire anything less than 1 ohm anyhow. Is this stuff going to work and how big/how many wraps should I start off or should I order something else? Thanks
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