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Everything posted by fishguy1123

  1. I'd like to think, no, I'd expect EVOLV to pkg correctly.... You don't put that much work into designing a board and put it in a zip lock..... I hope you get things sorted out quickly!
  2. Welcome! Hang with it, never know, might be a time when your friends see you happier with vapeing and jump in the pool with us! Look around and feel free to ask questions. Lots of experience, and willingness to help here.
  3. We all tried. I'm not going to let myself get so ticked off that it screws up my day or night over his issues. I'm not his parent, and none of us need that agrivation. Hopefully he takes something from all this and makes good choices. If not, nothing we say will change that.
  4. Ok, I'm done. Good luck to you! You WILL need it. I tried.... Only you can decide what's best for you... and you have your mind made up no matter what we say. It's the safety that keeps us here to help ppl that want to learn, and to enjoy our vapeing experience. This is about being healthy, not harming ourselves like anyone who used analogs has done in the past. Good evening and good luck.
  5. Maybe this will help... That kit may be good, let's call it great. All the best parts you could buy. But if you don't know how to put them together and use them it's nothing more than a box of parts. It states in the add that it doesn't include a build, that's on you.... and a VERY important part of the puzzle. If I had all the parts to build an engine for my car, I'd still have no clue how to do it. Just a box of parts. It takes knowledge to do what you want with that kit. Nothing wrong with your twists, good batts! If your time and or desire doesn't allow for the advanced level that mech mods and rebuildable devices require, then it may be best to seek other ways to improve your vapeing experience. Hope that helps.
  6. I don't know how to say this, other than to say you are heading for trouble if you just buy an advanced device without knowledge of what you're useing. If you want easy, then we can suggest some simple efective products that work well. If you want to "cloud chase" then you will need to learn what it takes to do it properly, safely, or end up on the nightly news as someone in the hospital.... We would like nothing more than to help you. There is no short cut to safely do what you ask though.
  7. What, if anything have you used so far for vapeing? What didn't you like about it if you've used something? Much more infor to be collected before jumping into the deep end of the pool man. Many things go into the dripping aspect of vapeing. Please share anything you can so we can truely help you on your journey.
  8. Maybe I should have just said you can make BANK on jacking up the price of everything you want to sell and useing your customers as a pure profit based **** hole? Would that help you?
  9. Welcome to VT! Glad to hear you're on the right track. Look around and ask questions if you want.
  10. Might you please answer my question to you on your vapeing experience kind sir? I don't give a rats *** how many degrees someone has, nor the income they make from the DAY job. I care what you can offer a first time customer that asks what an ecig is about! If you plan on trying to relate to them with a spread sheet or hireing someone that's "exprerienced" in vapeing to deal with it, you will fail! To that end, you will NOT come into OUR sand box and tell US what we need to do the HELP you! You will have to find someone else to prey on......................................... Bu Bye!
  11. If you need gloves to keep an aquarium..... you need a new hobby!
  12. If you test by smell.... ur doing it wrong....lol Guppies are sooo pretty! But that's what the kiddies have. lol I still give ya props for the love of fins....
  13. I'd give you the Jaws sound track, but glub is just not working for me pleco....
  14. Check out ecblends for the dragon series. I think you can get 5mls for 2.50 each. Good rep too.
  15. I have my ways..... lol Just ignore the red dot!
  16. It's respect for others in general. I support vapeing, it's done wonders for me. Human nature says we fear what we don't know. Sometimes by not forceing it on ppl we gain respect and curiosity. That's what helps us spread the word with the average person that just might want to switch.
  17. Shhhh..... You guys are ruining my fun! LMAO I was sitting in the tree stand waiting and you spooked him.....
  18. May I ask what knowledge of vapeing you have?
  19. Damn.... I couldn't make it 50 ft these days probly.... lol
  20. I used to play alot in my twenties. I might still have my gear somewhere packed away.
  21. Some, in an outing there at the end of the month. I can see it from my house though..... lol
  22. Fire that torch up and make some smore's outta the stay puff guy!
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