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Everything posted by fishguy1123

  1. Can you tell us more about your process in building the coils? I understand you are looking at getting an ohm meter, but any other info you can give will help. We can and will do our best to give you the help, but it's gonna have to be a 2 way street here. Thanks
  2. I'd say it's a good bet the coil you built wasn't correct as others have stated. If you want to learn how to build coils then the dedicated ohm meter is a must. Followed by a solid understanding of the battery/device you own and its limitations. Ohms law is important, and you can even get apps for your phone to make it easy to get the info you need to determine if it's safe and apropriate to use for the device you have. Nothing wrong with wanting to learn, just let us help you with the process before something happens that may cause injury. For now, I wouldn't use the battery anymore, and only use stock, pre built coil heads to be safe.
  3. I avoid crabs.... thanx! I service aquariums... lol I do think they're tasety though.... Nice try with the juice rocomendation though! Ur on my list now.
  4. Ummm.... we're still not sure about Tam here! But what the heck.... Welcome to VT!
  5. Are you useing the same juice in both? What pg/vg and nic level?
  6. fishguy1123


    Got tierd of looking for it the first time!
  7. fishguy1123


    Haha.... SHhhh.... people will start to talk! lol
  8. fishguy1123


    Landau, since you're new to the site and we haven't had a chance to get to know you, can you give us some idea as to what your vapeing experience has been? We do tend to stress the safety aspects of things alot, and especialy with new members since we don't have anything to go on. Please take a minute to introduce yourself and share more about what you need so we can help. Thanks
  9. Don't look at me like that! lmao ^^^^^^
  10. This is why I asked more than once for you to share your background.......... If you're too focused on clouds, and tricks, you won't learn what you need to in order to vape safely. You are at a cross roads here. You can get the help you need, or you can flop around in every direction and get nowhere. Up to you. Not one of us can tell you vebatum what the perfect setup for you is. Take the advice you've been given and try it.
  11. How did you get that pic damit? I thought I deleted it 30 yrs ago....... lol
  12. Ok, I'm done.... You have officialy convinced me you're not gonna get it! I tried, I realy did.... You can do what you want. If you are just looking to do "tricks" as you stated, then the cloud you produce when you blow your azz up will be a pretty big one! Many of us have chimed in, in hopes to help you over the MANY threads you've started! If another member here can help you, then I tip my hat to them. Good luck to you......
  13. We just want to know you have your feet firmly on the ground before you climb man! It's a long way down if you fall....
  14. Alright, what have you used so far that you could do tricks with?
  15. Ok, and what don't you like about the clouds with your aerotank?
  16. Welcome! Take a look around the site and let us know if you have any questions.
  17. So what is your setup now agian?
  18. I suck at provideing links.... lol But I'll make sure one gets posted for ya! It's not an expensive device, but can be a life saveing one.
  19. Ok, thanks for some back ground info. I have to relate this to buying a new car.... The dealer hands you the keys and says it has a full tank of gas.... When you run out, and haven't read the manual to know what octane it needs, or how to check the oil... etc. Bottom line, you need to know what ohms law is. Also what your batteries can handle (not all are the same), as well as have a reasonable quality charger for them. The ohms reader is so you can put your atty on it and check to see your build status safely.
  20. He needs your address to send the gold star! lol
  21. Mvince, as right as you are, you also know it's not just about the coil.... Every aspect has to be done properly!
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