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Imnukingfutz got a reaction from mvince201 in Hey all got a few questions
Mod; Stingray or Nemesis - both great affordable mods to start off with.
Tank; I started off in mods with a Nautilus Aspire on a Nemesis...great plug n play tank that can handle an unregulated mod.
Next step up IMO is a Kayfun.
Just take the time and do the necessary research in studying batteries & making coils. You dont want to blow your face off.
Imnukingfutz got a reaction from BestVapes in How to tell?
This is an odd question, but one I am trying to find the answer to.
I recently traded for what I thought was a Kraken clone but have been told by a few friends that the one I got is an authentic Kraken.
How can I make sure what I have is either real or a clone?
I am to understand that the authentic has a pop in top cap while the clone has a screw in top cap...do all clones screw in?
Imnukingfutz reacted to BigClouds1021 in Need advice - want high end VV/VW Mod
I love my VTR. It rocks. -
Imnukingfutz got a reaction from Happy Vapor in loving my new setup
yea, there is no way that cloud came from an iclear 30. All these guys (and gals) are doing is looking out for your safety and our hobby. No one wants anything bad to happen to either one.
Imnukingfutz reacted to mayhemvaper in Gear...just for fun!
6 weeks vaping and collection is growing nicely
Imnukingfutz reacted to Mrwaylon in Gear...just for fun!
Nice setups y'all have. I have no Fancy stuff lol just all stainless steel.
Imnukingfutz reacted to BigClouds1021 in loving my new setup
I started using RBAs after vaping about 3 weeks or so. But, before I started I watched a whole bunch of how to videos and built quite a few of my own coils and tested them, tore them down then built them again. before I even put one on a mod. I definitely understand wanting to move to the RBAs, they give a great vape and flavor, but it's not worth hurting yourself. I would highly recommend getting an ohm meter before u start to make and use your own builds. I know I myself, and I'm sure everyone here, doesn't want to see someone injured or worse. You can find a meter for under $20, IMHO, it's a small price to pay for safety.
Imnukingfutz reacted to bcartervol98 in loving my new setup
Another unknowing noob that doesn't realize he is doing things in a very real and dangerous way both to himself and the movement to keep vaping a positive thing, allowed , and legal.
It goes boom and it's all over national news. There is an epidemic lately of noobs wanting to jump right into advanced Mods. This is exactly why most vets recommend against it.
Imnukingfutz reacted to Jeffb in Ceramic Heating Element
Thats the kind of RBA I could get behind. No twisting wire, just screw in the donuts and vape
Imnukingfutz reacted to Aquatroy in 58 years old and fell for this.fake free starter kits
Stick around here, we will get you started down the right path, m an old smoker too, who found what I needed right here....
Imnukingfutz reacted to bcartervol98 in pg/vg question
One can learn a ton by reading the stickied topics in each sub- forum. If it's not in there ask and you will always get a good response.
Imnukingfutz reacted to Tam in What's a good nicotine level?
More nic will create a stronger throat hit, I've not seen much affect on flavor, personally. You could always go with an extra shot of flavor if you find the increased nic to decrease flavor too much.
As a former pack a day smoker I started with 24 mg of nic to get completely off the analogs. Once I no longer craved them I went down to 18 for a very short while and now I'm mostly at 12 -- sometimes 6 mg. It's going to take a little time but you'll get there.
Imnukingfutz reacted to sparc in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New
Nautilus is a wonderful tank. My Nautilus+Nemeis took a 3ft drop on to hardwood and floor survived but the magnets in the Nemesis switch shattered.
I picked up a Turtle Ship V2(clone) + Patriot(authentic) drip atty from a local vape shop. What's cool about the Patriot is that the positive terminal is insulated so the atty doesn't get as hot per the sales guy. My other tanks do get very warm from chain vaping.
Turtle Ship and Patriot by kiu101, on Flickr
Turtle Ship mod by kiu101, on Flickr
Imnukingfutz reacted to mse12 in Best Ry4?
You may try it out, it has turned into many all day vapes for a lot of us.