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About BigClouds1021

  • Birthday 10/21/1982

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  • Location
    Carlsbad< NM

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  1. If this doesn't scare u into using your mod RDAs and batteries right, I don't know what will.
  2. i love my fat snow wolf, it's a beast. The gold plated firing pins make it hit like a tank. It's a 26650 device, one of the slimmer ones I have and have seen. The only other mod I have that's not regulated that is on par with the snow wolf is the all copper mutant. I would say if u like the look of it, get it. It's a great mod. Let me know if u have any other questions.
  3. Welcome to VT.
  4. Welcome to VT. There r a lot of good people with lots of knowledge here. Congrats on dropping the analogs.
  5. rocking out the new copper 26650 copper mutant with black russian 91, and the fat snow wolf with the silver Russian 91.
  6. How do u like the plume veil? Is it worth all the hype?
  7. got my copper 26650 mutant in and my black Russian 91% in. I have to say that I love this setup, it looks sweet and hits like a tank.
  8. I was able to flare the sleeve and get if back on the pin and insulator. Thanks to y'all fir the help. No thanks to vape smith for sucking.
  9. They said since I've had the RDA for a month, it's no longer under warranty. I think a $100 RDA should have a little better warranty than that. So if ur going to buy a vape smith product , u should know they will only stand behind their product for a month.
  10. Got 3 15ml bottles of ejuice, cyber juice stripes, flathead fluid duece and nirvana vapes Mellon mayahana. All taste pretty good so far. Got them from vapor liq. For about $26 a month they will send u 3 15mil bottles of juice. You make a flavor profile and tell them how much nic u want and they send u 3 flavor a month using you flavor profile. Got to day they r doing well so far.
  11. I use organic cotton myself, I've tried boiling it and using it straight out of the bag. I personally can't taste any difference. Boiling didn't change the wicking or flavor ability of the cotton, IMHO. So I usually just use it straight out of the bag now. I've also used silica and ekowool. The ekowool is much better than reg silica, it has a much better cleaner flavor. I actually prefer ekowool over cotton in some of my RDAs.
  12. If does suck that I'm having to fix my $100 RDA, after only having it for about 3-4months.
  13. I guess I could try flaring and repressing it if that doesn't work, I will have to go get me a new soldering rod. I lost my other one in my last move. Thanks Richstag and Earthling. If anyone has another suggestion, I would love to hear it.
  14. So I was vaping in my castle RDA today, and then all of a sudden it stopped firing. Then I went to unscrew it to check it out and it slid right out without unscrewing. When I looked at it I found out that the insulator and connection had came apart from the cover. Does anyone know what I can use to reconnect it to my atty? Here r a couple pics The shelve just slid off of the 510 connection. So I guess I just need a bonding agent that is heat resistant. This is my authentic Castle RDA so I would like to fix it if possible. Thanks for your help guys and girl. Vape on!!!
  15. I usually keep my lavatube 2.5 with a few vtc5s and a HH. 357 and a couple bottles of good juice as my backup.
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