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Emistcigs last won the day on May 19 2010

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  1. good stuff....I wish an in-depth study would be done on nicotine :P
  2. It sounds like your juice is on the way out....it shouldn't smell musty.
  3. My teeth did the same exact thing on Colgate Total. I couldn't use it anymore, its way too strong of a toothpaste for me. I would switch asap.
  4. There was a study that was done in New Zealand last year (I know really reliable I'm not even going to post the link to it) that said there was an infinitesimal amount left from exhaling; that our lungs absorb the nicotine almost instantly. I would love to see an extensive study done on this. I think the results would be very positive.
  5. I agree. It helped get the product out to more people using cig faster, but end game it will hurt the image of the product because people automatically assume bad things with anything cigarette.
  6. There are plenty of case options available...If not just get a toiletry bag used for airplane travel :P It's what I use to carry around all my crap when I go camping and whatnot.
  7. Its not illegal anywhere. My dad is a high up manager for the biggest east coast airline (sorry for being so vague) and he is pushing to let e-cigs be used on airplanes and to even sell them to customers in flight. There's no way he could do this if it was illegal.
  8. I was thinking about starting to carry those but I've heard they are heavy resistance, meaning that it takes a heavy drag versus a normal atomizer. I'm kind of weary about that as normal atomizers already need a higher pull than an analog. I guess I need to try one out
  9. The vaping community is one of the best niche groups I've ever had the pleasure of being a part of.
  10. Lr's work great but they tend to burn up real fast...order plenty when you do get some
  11. I don't like shopping at wal-mart
  12. Hah no biggie, I should have known better in the first place
  13. Son of a . That really made my day and took a load off my mind for my next shipment coming in
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