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Happy Vapor

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Everything posted by Happy Vapor

  1. I still use 18 when I run out of my 16 mg juice. I want to go down but I find myself vaping all my juice in just a few days. Any ideas on how to successfully decrease nic level without vaping more? I just can't seen to put my mod down.
  2. to rich for my blood right now.lol
  3. That's no way to get help from someone. He is obviously not from the south. Lol
  4. Go with the mvp 2 and a nautilus. It's a vapers wet dream. At least this vaper.lol you will spend a little cash but Definitely worth the money. You'll never go back to analogs.
  5. All in due time my friends, all In due time I'll post pics when mines done see if you like
  6. Now you can buy the vaping doughnut from https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=X-MPU5ujJqrb0QGHkYDoBg&url=http://www.fatdaddyvapes.com/donuts.html&cd=1&ved=0CCQQFjAA&usg=AFQjCNHedenRTWLustH-MlNj-o1JuM-qVw super easy to Install and I've heard they give a great vape.
  7. Paid $35 for my nautilus from a local BnM and loooooove it. Best tank I've ever vaped. That says a lot since it's the only tank I use anymore. Besides my gold davide mini.
  8. Mine gurgles a little. No spitting or anything like that. Just a soft gurgle. I just right now rebuilt the coil in mine. No more gurgle. Knock on wood.
  9. Going out to build the box. Gonna order the chip and parts tonight. Just trying to draw out the dimensions. Gonna be sweet.the wife says once you get yours done if it looks good I want one. If it looks good? Woman I know what I'm doin.lol
  10. Super nice. All the rest of the stone tips had like a tacky gold inlay. But these are gorgeous. No prob aqua
  11. .2 ohms at 3.7 volts pulls 21 amps. Not so hard on a 30 amp battery. I haven't had any problems. I don't usually vape at anything less than about .5 but they can handle as low as .2 no prob.
  12. I heart zomies. Picked up some zombie blood from goodlifevapor it taste like strawberry gummy.
  13. I have 2 mvp 2 and love them. I just got my wife the itazte v3 and she is loving it.
  14. http://www.bullboxmods.com/SearchResults.asp?Cat=1833
  15. She's usually not home when I do but when she is she says see that's why I keep it small and simple. It's funny now she wants a cool fire 2 so I can say keep it simple dear. Keep it simple.
  16. Love the video can't wait for my helios to get here so I have a bigger deck to build on.
  17. I removed the rubber cap off of the chimney because some of my juices are thick too. Helps improve juice flow
  18. The wife and I have come to a decision to treat our vaping anniversary like a marriage anniversary. Each year we will buy each other the drip tip of our choice since we have a very nice collection going. We found all stone drip tips that we both love. They are like $45 but all hand made and hand polished. So that's our plan. New years day is the day. I love my wife she is awesome.
  19. When I have a bad vape day, which happens on a regular basis. I grab my wife's gear. For some reason her stuff always works better than mine. She uses ego batteries and vivi novas and never has problems. So confused.
  20. nice find. I am going to bookmark this page to show the people that ask me this same question on a regular basis and I can't find the words to explain.
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