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Happy Vapor

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Everything posted by Happy Vapor

  1. Looks like a kayfun. I've never seen dual coils on one. Getting my *** out of bed. I've got to try this. Thank you.
  2. My good laugh of the day. Thank you I needed that.
  3. There are a few familiar faces. Hope you guys are well.
  4. I never really left just haven't had time to post. I fell off the wagon a few months ago trying to cope with three deaths in my immediate family. Now I'm holding strong to my decision to vape. Thank you all that have been there to help me through my struggles. So on a lighter note I am pleased to see the vapor talk family has grown. Where are all my old friends at?
  5. I haven't had any problems with smoke alarms either
  6. My everyday vape. Modified vtr with kayfun 3.1 running 0.8 ohms. Filled with some thing delicious from grandvapor.com.
  7. stingray with patriot, and hateraid from Grandvapors.com
  8. http://www.vapersmark.net/Panzer-BlackHawk-Switch-Magnet-Set_p_51.html
  9. Would definitely recommend the magnet upgrade.
  10. what is that the 3d?
  11. Imo less cotton means more flavor. You may be using too much cotton. Open the airflow and place your coil as low to the deck as you can.
  12. That vtr has some face on its face
  13. I love the kayfun but please remember it is a rebuildable and takes a little know how and tools of the trade like an ohm meter.
  14. I have a kayfun lite + clone and authentic. The only real difference is the authentic has better machining for the threads. I love them both and it is a pleasure to build on. Great rdta you can't go wrong.
  15. sounds delicious
  16. oh it was just a Energizer I found under the seats of my couch. It fit though.lol
  17. I like the idea that I can switch things up from time to time. I like options and besides who else do you know with a zombie mvp 2
  18. I love using bread ties so much cheaper and if they are used bread ties the coils already wrapped. Lol I'm sure I'm not helping this situation I just couldn't help myself. Sorry
  19. They make skins for the mvp 2 and the vtr. Tons of colors patterns and textures
  20. They don't call me quick and easy for nothing.... oh wait.
  21. And you have to remove the whole upper ring. I know you couldn't fit the nautilus on there just opening the diameter up a little. Due to the small ring above the air control.
  22. dude that takes way to long I was just trying to vape that ****. I used a di grinder with a rock.
  23. I'm gonna sit waaaay back with my pop corn and watch. This is gonna be good. Let the sparks fly.
  24. The equipment is mediocre. You're better off going with a nautilus tank and an mvp 2. The bad part of chasing clouds is the lacking flavor and it's difficult sometimes to get the clouds you want and get your nicotine too. It will become a harsh hot vape if not done safely and correctly. I love my mvp2 I own 2 of them and a nautilus as well. Also if you want to build coils and have a great vape use a kayfun. you get the best of both worlds. You can mount the kayfun to the mvp 2 and crank the wattage up and blow big couds. And the mvp 2 is still protected. It won't fire anything under 1.2 ohms. But will do the trick with 1.8.
  25. I love patina mods. I will patina my sting ray soon
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