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Everything posted by BabyHuey

  1. Glad you are enjoying it Emile As far as pulling the trigger, I can understand Mark. Everything is an investment these days and it pays to be comfortable about any purchase.
  2. VMU's are back in limited stock. 12 were just put up on the site tonight.
  3. kk. Will do.
  4. We sell them for 90.00 for the the VMU. The price is set by the maker. As we do not build them, but sell them for Dennis. He is the person who designed and builds them.I received the tracking information yesterday, so hopefully expecting them Monday or Tuesday. When we receive them, we test them again to make sure they are in good working condition before we add them to the site.If you have any more questions please feel free to contact me by email at Brian@ttteliquids.com
  5. Sorry Link. Yes those are available on our site, when we have them in stock. They move rather quickly. We are expecting another batch of 12 in within the next week.Love your user name btw. I actually just invest in an old Gamecube to be able to revisit the old Zelda games with the kids. I got into playing the Ocarina and remembered I never really got through OOT. lol
  6. Glad to hear you got your order. Also glad to hear you are enjoying it. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you in the future.
  7. I apologize for any inconvenience. We have not received any orders we have not filled. We recently had some issues with the website and for some reason my email addy and phpone number were not reinstated on the contact us page. Feel free to contact me at Brian@TTTeliquids.com via email, or call me at 832-549-3612. We will get everything lined out for you.
  8. I know this is a bit late, but Ben AKA Porphy over there is a wonderful guy. Great juice and great customer service. If interested, try out hs Root Beer. It is amazing.He recently moved back to the states after being in Korea for awhile. So he is local now and has more control over his USA orders.
  9. You coud always do like some of us have done in the past. If you have the tools. Buy a tip from Super T and run a drill bit through, or dremmel through to widen the hole. Works out well.
  10. Sorry to jump in here, I know the designer and creator of the SB and BB. To answer the OP there was talk of changing the BB to not be able to take cr2's because of possible discharge of stacked unprotected batteries. This has since been changed and the BB now has an extended bottom to be able to house 2 protected cr2 batteries. The Silver Bullet is like the BB's big brother/sister. It can use 1x 18650 battery or 2x protected rcr123a batteries. I recommend using the lifepo4 batteries for 6v vaping, though they do not have a protection circuit, they are designed with a safer chemistry. Make sure when purchasing protected rcr123a's that you get the 3.0v batteries and not the 3.7v batteries. Or since you stated you wanted 5vish vaping. Maybe go with a hi drain 18650 battery paired with the low resistance 510 atomizers. It put out great vapor and lasts awhile too. To address the quoted statement. The Silver Bullet is designed to vent through the button, and not the battery connector. If you have any more questions about the device. The maker of the SB, BB, and soon to be Omega goes by the name CDDZ on other forums. I am not sure if he is registered here or not. Hope this helped.
  11. Yes. Madvapes is a great site for buying and building mods. Their How To section is very nice and contain plans that I used for my first few mods I have built. Though the connectors are easy enough to obtain if you have a dead battery, you can steal the connector from that instead of ordering it. The rest of the parts can be purchased at radio shack to build a simple 3.7v to 6v device. For a 5v device I would not use the regulator that you can buy at Radio Shack due to the amps being too low. I would go with the 5v 3A regulators from Madvapes or the Texas Instruments Booster board.(Booster board if trying to achieve 5v off of one 3.7v battery.) I am at work right now and do not have the parts number from TI for the booster board. I would personally recommend for your first build to be a simple 3.7v device. You can get the feel for it and see if you want to take on the added work and research of building a 5v device. Hope this helped a little, and if you have any questions feel free to ask away. P.S. If building a stacked battery mod please do research on proper wiring and placement of batteries depending on whether you want to run them in series or parallel. Can easily become a safety issue if not installed properly.
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