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Everything posted by Foghat

  1. According to the clerk, they are all PG35/VG65. So, maybe I'm a light weight, took too big a hit, IDK. I'm just glad that he had me try it before I bought it.
  2. I have no idea about the ratio. Next time I'm there I will ask. I need to learn more about that anyway. I'm assuming it was 50/50, but only because I seem to remember a sign that all of their juices are 50/50. I'm planning on going back tomorrow. Sad that it's not on the label.
  3. I too am loving the clean taste with the cotton wick. Organic cotton is the way to go. I use the organic makeup removal pads. Basically, its a sandwich with woven cotton on the outsides and fluffy cotton stuffing on the inside. The outside has a weave to it so that when pulling it's strong in one direction but will pull apart in the other. So, I trim the edges to take the sandwich apart, choose one of the outside pieces and cut it into strips in the direction so that it doesn't break into pieces when I tug on it. Then by twisting it between my finger and thumb I can make a nice cotton yarn. I know you guys are building your own coils and stuff but I'm not there yet. I just re-wick mine with the coil in place using a needle and thread.. credit where due.. i got the idea from another forum.. link below. This guy uses cotton cheesecloth. http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/clearomizers/385799-how-i-re-wick-my-t3s-cheesecloth-pictues.html
  4. Ha! They won't let me vape at work either.. No security cameras in the bathroom man! But I still go out to the "smoking" area to keep up appearances. It was all the other vapers at work that turned me on to the new (to me) devices. Last week this guy comes out, lights up, looks around and laughs.."Haha, I'm the only smoker out here!" Out of the 6 of us out there HE had the only cigarette.
  5. I agree with all of the above and want to add .. You might consider switching to a lower level of nic in your ejuice. When I was shopping my initial purchase at my local store the clerk ran through the levels they had.. highest was 24 so I said, "yeah gimme that, I'm a heavy smoker". So he said, "Well, why don't you try the 24 first, It can have a heavy throat hit." I swear, I thought I was gonna die. My wife thought so too.. 10 minutes of hacking and a glass of water later, I said, "Yeah, I'll take the 12." Now I vape 12 to 18 nic (I think technically it's 1.2 mg and 1.8 mg but I'm not sure about that) I still cough, but not while or because of vaping. But, with the lower nic level, I have to vape more often to keep my calm. Stick with it..
  6. Hello, I started vaping as a way to quit the habit that after 36 years has left me with "the lungs of an 80 year old man", as my doctor put it. Fortunately I have (so far) avoided the big C. However, COPD (chronic bronchitis) has (had, i hope) me to the point that any type of resipatory infection, flu, cold or even excessive dust can send me into coughing fits or in the worst cases, into the hospital. On my best days, I would hack up phlem 10 -15 times a day. On normal days, I would lay down for the night and literally gurgle, not gargle (that thing you do with mouthwash) but gurgle (like a quiet bubbling) while I was trying to breathe. My wife (a geriatric nurse) calls it a "death rattle", something her patients do (the ones who smoke) right before they, you know.. Basically, I was in a constant state of near pneumonia. I tried everything else to quit: Cold Turkey - OMG no.. and my closest fix is in every convenience store, everywhere. Patches - crazy, wild dreams. I mean... 15 ft killer blood sucking butterfly crazy dreams, ok? Gum - well, maybe it tastes better now but back then? Why would they try to make it taste that way? I guess so kids wouldn't chew it. Yeah, well... Adults either IMO. Wellbutrin - This turned me into a cry-baby basket case. Emphasis on BASKET case. Chantix - see "Wellbutrin" and multiply by 5. Only a matter of time before I hurt myself or others. Scary thing is you can't just stop taking it..you have to be stepped down. I tried switching to the "cigarette type" ecigs some time ago. While I'm sure that it's a fine product for some, for me it was inconsistent in vapor production, taste, and throat hit. (which I've read is caused by the level of nic). Oh it was convenient, small, compact, easy to use. It was just that something was up with their quality control. So, it was a short time before I was back to two packs a day. I've been vaping a solid 20 days now on Kanger T3s tanks and Ego CTwist 900 mah bats. I don't see myself going back to analogs anytime soon either. I guess the difference is that if I don't get enough vapor or the taste goes bad then I can actually tear the tank down, find out whats wrong, fix it and keep on vaping. Something I couldn't do with the self contained, prefilled cartridges from before. It's fun to fiddle with the device. I can see myself eventually building my own mods, wrapping my own coils, etc.. I'm having a ball with experimentation, learning how it works, and what works best for me. And the best part, after 20 days I don't gurgle in my sleep and I don't cough up crap as often. This is a good hobby.
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