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Everything posted by Kel

  1. Dekang Menthol 16mg 50ml 10.99 from madvapes
  2. i like the boge 510 atty dont ask me why, and dont judge me.... im special ;-)
  3. An L88B (blu/vocano) is closer to size weight (super mini), But go with a 510
  4. I have a Blu kit, its kinda a pain to refill the carts, and they dont hold much. I found that the atty will heat up and dry out the fill in the inner cart where the bridge meets the fill. (I use the blue foam mod now, it helps) This was a great starter kit for me to "find" vaping. Now I use a 510 and a modified ZigZag case, i can cary two batts, two attys w/ carts, and two spare carts, plus a usb charger in a king size box. ;-) I really liked the Blu Pack (pcc), but for me i can use the usb just fine (I work with computers), I ended up giving my Blu to my girlfriend b/c she does not want any throat hit and she is a very light smoker ( so she likes the Blu)....lol Sorry if I crushed your hopes, but get a disposable 510 for $10 and see if you like it...
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