Arterial Puncture
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Everything posted by Arterial Puncture
Oh Joe! I don't know about MORE JUICE - but Joe is singing an 'exclusive' at 70% OFF. Do I dare try yet another new one (new to ME - not the community perhaps)? It is surely not 'need' so it has to be 'greed'! I am quickly becoming an animal! These sales are getting to me. Therapy might be in order. Joe says: AFTER THE COUPON: $2.25 PER 10ML $4.35 PER 30ML I won't post the link because i am not certain if it is permitted. Take a look at Joe's 'blast' for the particulars if the fever is burning in you to 'get more'. Dave
Looks like Vapor Joes got taken down :(
Arterial Puncture replied to Jeffb's topic in General Vaping Discussion
I seem to be able to get to Joe directly @ http://vaporjoe.blogspot.com/ and Ol' Joe says, "All is well again". Through https://www.blogger....e.blogspot.com/ it's a no-go though..... maybe I need to wash out my cache. Dave -
Others have had similar promotions pop up on Vapor Joe's. They were swamped as well. Ordering at such a low price is a choice one makes and I made that choice just to give these guys or gals a try. I figured it will take forever to get the juice, but I ordered anyway. I mean at $1.99 could I possibly think i was the only guy around who saw the Joe announcement? Anyone thinking their order would be filled in the normal timeframe was dreaming. I'll wait and it will come I'm sure. Then I can judge the quality; no need to say it can't be good or they won't be in business very long just because they had a successful promotional sale. The shipping cost? I made that choice too. It was right on the screen, clear as could be, before I finalized my order. Another choice I could make. Accept it or decline it - my decision. Should they have a different way of calculating shipping? Indeed they should. Right now they offer one price. Accept it or click away. It's a choice not a decree. Now I DO think while Vapor Joe does help business he can shake them up too. Maybe they need shaking up to improve? Dave
Even being "a new guy" I can chime in on this one. Looking to try different and popular suppliers. I opted for the smaller package since i was 'not sure'. In addition to the 50ml I received "bonus juice" as well, usually two bottles of 10ml, so not a bad deal at all. Until - I received some of the same juice three months in a row. I called and it was explained why and flavors were substituted. However, being a 'tobacco guy' I was giving my daughter-in-law the bulk of the flavors I just could not handle. More MY problem than theirs. So for me - even now - it is too costly and they don't seem to be adding the new vendors as they indicated they would six months back. I think they might even have lost a few but am not positive. Dave
I only know of this potent juice because my daughter-in-law had it in her ProTank and it was GREEN and really pretty and I had to "ask", "what the heck is it?". She had diluted it with VG at 50% and it was still GREEN and she swore it tasted as strong as it was undiluted. I think it was 24% on the nicotine side. Yes - I had to take a 'small taste'. I was not in to any 'flavor' but tobacco, so to me it tasted like (and I named it this that day): "Burned Inner-Tube In An Oil Can". It was awful to ME, but she swore it was heavenly. She mixed four or so different flavors in different amounts - all from 'Pluid' . After one tiny try my tobacco tasted like oysters! I swear it did- oysters! So, is it hard on or will it kill your taste buds? Well, it's not permanent, but it did SOMETHING to mine. It was REALLY STRONG. Daughter-in-law says she can make over 500ml of 'her mix' out of 100ml of 'Pluid'. I don't know - maybe so. Dave
Like many other new vapers or so I imagine - I started at my local shop because I needed the face-to-face interaction. It helped me learn a lot of the terminology and also let me try the juices they suggested - not always a good ending on that one. Yet - it was no different buying online. I did a LOT of reading and it seemed that almost unanimously the recommendations came in the form of "YOU WILL LOVE IT". It didn't take long to figure out that my taste and the "LOVE IT" tastes were not even close. Like so many I chased the "tobacco taste" that never came. It was "OK" - but that good old "Bottom of the Ashtray" flavor just wasn't around. I mixed a bit of each - in a clean bottle - much like TAKEIKI suggested - just not with sweetener; I didn't want 'sweet'. In time I found a 'flavor' I liked, ordered a good amount of each I had mixed and made my own form of 'DIY' which I still use today way out at "just over two months: into my vaping life. So many folks sell 'juice'. So many are 'alike'. So many call it 'Premium' or 'Custom Blended' or 'Artisan Made' - the list is endless - I can't help but wonder how many folks are like me and can barely, if at all, tell the difference between $4.99 / 10ml and $25.00 / 10ml? Something is different, but to Dave - it is not really in the 'flavor'. Then ............. I made the move to the juice I swore I would "never try"........... fruits! Another story! Dave
buying a new tank any suggestions?
Arterial Puncture replied to hookahhighness's topic in General Vaping Discussion
Amazing. More to look up and read about. KFL/R91..... dual coil genny ..... Patriot rda and more I'll probably be driving folks crazy with questions about. Too much for me - I think I best stay "new" for a lot longer. Interesting stuff though - very interesting. Come here my little T3S ........ show me some love. Dave -
I see so many complaints about Kanger coils and descriptions of "tasting burned". It seems like it is 1.8 ohm coils and makes me wonder if it is folks using variable voltage / wattage batteries and hitting them with too much amperage? The low resistance heats up so quickly if the wick is not saturated really well or the button held too long the 'juice' is gone in no time - or so it would seem. Admittedly I am only a two month vaper - and using the Kanger T3S, ProTank2 and Mini Protank2. The ProTanks are 'juice gobblers" and I have never had a dry hit which is fine by me. Great flavor and the vapor is good as well. The T3S - not as much of a "juice gobbler" on thicker juices as the Protanks - but it does really well with thinner juices and I have never had a dry issue with them either. Seepage is about equal and I have never pulled a "flavor wick" as suggested in some of the YouTube videos. I am either very lucky OR I don't know what a "dry burn taste: really tastes like. Perhaps so! Now watch. My next draw will be nasty and I'll be back crying. Dave
58 years old and fell for this.fake free starter kits
Arterial Puncture replied to skoony's topic in New Vapers Forum
I too came "this close" to making the mistake. Like you I am not usually one to jump on 'free' and I am going to turn 67 in a month so age is no guarantee --- I came VERY close. Sorry you had the issue - as suggested your credit card company / financial institution should be the saving grace for you. It is a pain - but they come in handy when we have these moments. Cigarettes really are to blame! Another reason to beat those darn things! Be well. Dave -
My condolences to you and your and your family. I too am new to the forum. I followed many of the members here before joining; even followed before I began to vape. There is a wealth of encouragement to be found and that is in many ways far more important than the knowledge about equipment. Pretty much anyone who can read can figure out these electronic gadgets. Sure, it might take a while, but it can be done. the advanced technical issues nat be more difficult to master with hand-holding, but with Youtube we can find even the most difficult and the associated instruction. What we will get here that I don't believe YouTube provides is the emotional support from folks who know exactly what we might be experiencing. It's so important and it helps more than imaginable. Wanting to kick the cigarettes is the best tool. The rest just makes it a bit easier from what I have read and now believe with every successful minute that passes. Good luck! Dave
Greetings to All from: Dave here. In New Mexico. I have been reading here for quite a while and actually did so even before I began to vape. I must admit - I joined "another forum" before I began to vape hoping to learn by asking questions and hopefully avoid mistakes new vapers often make. Perhaps it is just me. I might be too new to understand the "infighting" and "status power" some I saw as "the elite" wielded, but it was intimidating. When it was suggested I might like this particular forum and that some of the more cordial individuals there were also here - I began to read and have been doing so ever since. After a month I feel I have the basics down well enough to join in so today I made the move and hope I can learn more by being active and not simply watching through the window-glass. I offer my THANKS to the forum host and I will do my very best to be only constructive - never destructive. So. While reading I learned a lot and think I avoided many mistakes by learning before buying. Also, seeing so many new folks going through many of the issues I had thought might come up and getting past them without a great deal of suffering was very helpful. I'm not to the point of saying "how many cigarettes I have avoided or how much money I have saved" because I am SO new I don't dare jinx myself! For now - it is all good. Two months and a few days off of cigarettes and actually doing 'OK'. I smoked the better part of 55 years - Camels and Pall Mall and simply wanted to get off the darn things. My daughter-in-law has vaped fro several years and through my son and a local shop I picked up my first setup on November 18, 2013 and had my last cigarette on Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 2013. Naturally I have had my moments but resisted thus far and every day it is a little easier. I realize I am not in the clear, but I AM more confident than at any time in my life. I began with a Kanger T3S and a JoyeTech eGo-C Upgrade Passthrough 650 and a duplicate for 'backup'. Started at 2.4% on the "juice" and at 30 days dropped to 1.8% and am still there today and very comfortable. I still enjoy the never ending "search for tobacco" I now realize I will never find, but it's been 'fun' in a way to try different 'vendors' and see if the many claims of "the best e-liquid in the world" are really factual. My 'taster' seems to be a bit behind and that's just fine! I just moved on to "fruits and other ungawdly flavors" and must say I actually like some of them which amazes me! About three weeks ago my son gave me a Kanger ProTank2 and a Mini ProTank2 and even though the horror stories seem to abound ("on another forum") I have yet to have the issues I read about and see discussed on YouTube videos. I certainly hope they never come to pay me a visit. OK and OK. I have gone on far too long and said far too little so i will hush. Again - Thanks to the hosts of this forum for a place to gather, explore and participate - minus the infighting and harassment I have witnessed elsewhere. Dave .... another "new guy".