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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. I talked a friend into trying ecigs.. he went & got an ego battery non variable, looks like a mini vivi nova, found him cherry tobacco juice. Was doing great for two mos but has backed way off as its hitting his throat to hard "burning" told him drink water, he doesn't drink anything but coffee Im wondering if I can change coil on his tank, talk him into a vv something to keep him going. He went in to get a vv but they told him his was fine he just needed a backup battery and lower nic level, grr! Now he's back on pall malls only vaping in the house when his wife's around. Thoughts, ideas please!
  2. 20 lb Weight loss is huge, especially driving like you do, it'll save your back. Its all too easy to sit and munch to keep awake, boredom all the above, good job! I am so glad your home, love our veterans!
  3. I figured out if sitting by my wood stove I can stealth vape successfully, at my age I'm stealth vaping ... its crazy I know but someone doesn't like the clouds and smelling all the fruity stuff. (He's Not convinced yet that second hand vapor doesn't cause issues). last night my dog and I sat by the wood stove and it worked.. she loves the smell and I could Vape in peace... which was nice she used to smack my analog out of my hand, sneeze and grab my pack, run outside & shred them. Smart dogs were a pain! Now we are all happy!
  4. Tameiki that's great news! In 6 mos mines dropped 40 pts, I can't take statins either, or BP meds and as of yesterday my cadmium (heavy metal toxicity) levels are down to near nothing, and lost another 8 lbs (diabetics don't just lose weight) no more stinky crap for me. Isn't it amazing how vaping & good people supporting you makes a difference... Hugs!
  5. I do, I love all mint! I really can't wait, I was tickled to find it, and one always needs more juice!
  6. I love overages and Eww I love mint ... now leaving to camp in the post office .. your the best!
  7. I found a charger ordered my VTR and batteries and some amazing sounding ejuice from fadora vapors, I can't wait till it all gets here! Comp is one of the nicest people w the patience of a saint! Customer service is amazing, prices are incredible, now I have only to wait ... This is the part I Dont like. But the end result will be so worth it.
  8. I agree! 3 of my specialists have said keep vaping its harmless unless ya ingest the nicotine ..so screw em!
  9. Oh I bet! The ice plains have got to be miserable. He said it was horrible. And I was whjning about my juice jelling got to be tough keeping a rig moving.
  10. Was it as spooky as they say Josh? Like no land on the horizon and no warning of breakup?
  11. I just went to a local meeting, at our firehall, w sheriff deputy and fire chief (his dads a friend & vaper) after being asked the dumbest questions and snarled at by fire chief for smoking poison, "if I drank it I'd be dead" do my research... to which I answered drink it for me and prove its toxic.. I'm so fed up w people. Most believed I had other things in the tank! No wonder there's bad press.
  12. Trying to rember where that was, she said hi to every rig that went by was kinda cool.
  13. That had to be tough! Friend of mine cleaned the roads and hauls stuck rigs out said it ain't pretty!
  14. Ya we went in but had to dead head back... not fun. I remember the truck stop w the booth over the hwy, is it still there? Just curious
  15. Never went eastern route, but hauled race horses to NY, that was a bear, and family owned property in new Hampshire. Pretty place back then.
  16. I enjoyed the road, still up for the road trip at any opportunity just on smaller scale. Saw some gorgeous country!
  17. Truckers are the easiest to serve too, as a rule they're mostly a lot of fun to talk to and just want decent food.
  18. We hauled alot of lumber out of the mill in Payson, Az. Tarping was a pain but drives were nice. Now why would they get pissed lol, imagine that.... lol
  19. Right! It never impressed me in alb. I do like NM.
  20. Have to say yuck on that destination. What are ya hauling? Pipe still?
  21. Precisely my thought, he was pretty freaked out, at that age I would a said no, but I didn't hide my analogs either.
  22. I personally like MBV, very good horribly addicting,
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