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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. We even have the ten acres to park and camp on... OK will check on special use permit today, my favorite Fish and game friend raises beef... I'll let ya know how it goes. I'm all fired up on this, maybe by next summer wed have cabins finished going up for our Wounded warriors.. I'm off and running drive safe! Hugs
  2. That's what I was just thinking, I'll call my favorite game warden, you have to kidnap comp, him and I have some fishing to do... Tam & troy could get here pretty easy, being in Colorado, I'm gonna plan on going out there as soon as the ice is off, see what's needed since its not been used.... then we can wrangle people ??
  3. Planned enough ahead people could get vacation... its about an acre of trees and wildlife surrounded by a glacial lake. Used to be a boyscout owned island (pitch tents etc.) Wouldnt that be fun ! I could talk to fish and game, no one goes there anymore.
  4. Fluid moment, just spewed coffee across my desk lmao,
  5. Well me and fish were talking about that the other day, volunteering you and your truck, lol. I thought maybe if we planned enough ahead .. a year or so. Maybe we could plan I'd love to meet everyone. Raise a beef & pig for it....
  6. Oh no! Ya you better drive.. what a visual first thing in the morning ... lmao
  7. I'm plotting here, we have a gorgeous island right in front of the house, it can be reserved on occasion for special private events, no smoking allowed, but bonfires and such are... eagles nesting swans trumpeting ... wouldn't that be a cool place to have a vape party!
  8. I've got that song stuck in my head now, 18 wheels and a dozen roses... have a great weekend w your angels you deserve it.
  9. Dont do it, its a trick! A conspiracy to get you further from home, buck & run... lol
  10. Yes, I just read somewhere (on vt of course) Dont use just any charger, can't find it now but Josh is up razzing me he would know.
  11. Grrrumble, no the stupid things are everywhere! But I'm calculating distance I have to fling missiles w the woodchipper ( thanks fishy) so its okay, as the snow melts I'm finding more, dang butt suckers... *wink*
  12. Lol great & Vape mail too a double bonus day!
  13. Troy, they're adorable, love those ears, and they look pretty comfy lol. Comp, shes in love w her dad, what a pretty girl.
  14. I hope so too, I know you were feeling pretty bad. Glad your better.
  15. I did the same I have a bottle of VG sitting here.
  16. I love reading these I get to learn more and more. I like the 50/50 blends till you know that juice and what you want. I made that mistake
  17. My husbands the same way, he's the one you'll find w the newborn lamb curled up under his coat sleeping by the wood stove lol it can get crazy here...
  18. Oh boy me too, my animals are my family! My battles over my dogs have taken their toll, my husband has sworn he's getting me a shirt made; Dont fear the dobermans, fear the b***h that loves them. My female has saved my life more times in 5 yrs then I care to think about, she sleeps in bed is by my side 24/7 she is amazing. Her puppy is just 3 and he's picking up on the routine. Hard finding room to sleep w 2 100 lb dogs and A spoiled old cat but I wouldn't change it.
  19. I worry about the blindness issues they have now, it would break my heart if one of my dogs woke up blind no warning nothing.
  20. They are great lil dogs. I love giant schnauzers the best, but these lil cousins come in tell it like it is and handle the big dogs right off.
  21. My dearest friend brought her schnauzers over last week for a play day, our dogs are cousins (they're all German) they are so cute! Funny they come in an put my dobies in their place immediately, then the play is on. For hours.. Irish wolfhounds are very smart dogs kind hearted too, I like them. Big dogs though. Alot of fancy bloodlines here mostly john Wayne's bloodlines he had some outstanding dogs.
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