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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. Oh just the boys get to sleep on the cold hard ground! Lmao did I forget to tell ya that??? We have seen some weird stuff floating on the lake during 4th of july, and between a marine and a navy man I'm sure we could figure something out!
  2. Is duct taping her and bringing her anyway an option???
  3. If life only knew how much better I'd feel, hindsight is 20/20, I didn't believe the nic thing till I grabbed a 18 mg, nasty headache and sick.. Dont need it. Even quit coffee this week... I'm a 5 + pot A day person.. tasted nasty once I could taste.. Thanks guys...
  4. He's sitting there enjoying the whole thing w a smirk on his face and his eyes closed, feet up, I think your in for it! Did the adoption news go well w the wife? missed grilled elk for dinner...
  5. I had it in the room again, stuck it iny pocket let it alone tried it again and it quit. Its only 30 in there.. it had been in there about an hour I need to move it and the chargers into the rest of the house where its warmer. Its fine I just panicked.
  6. Josh, I have to tell you, Pa made a comment when I told him we just adopted a marine... He laughed shook his head and said well it looks like ill never get to quit rowing those marine around on the water... he's navy.
  7. Can you use one of those non nic mint pouches instead to fill in the hole? Per se' Just a thought..
  8. Why is my VTR flashing 88.8 and shutting down?????
  9. Good for you, its not worth driving in that crap, and Im with ya folding tarps that are wet, having to tarp loads is a pain anyway. Silver lining... good vape weather
  10. I like poking gorillas, he takes my harassment well, mostly just laughs at me and tells me the cute stuff his kids do. If however I can give him some thoughts to think about later... He gives me grief back so its all good. And he started it.. famous last words I know.
  11. This is great news, now I can try to talk those that chew into stopping, I have the see it works ammunition now. The few I talked w asked questions I couldn't answer. now I have my info to pick on the big marine that drives the DAV bus... Thanks & congratulations!
  12. That's great! I'm doing the going lower and even 0 on some. Taste makes a huge difference
  13. that's nice isn't it, we have a game preserve behind us too. I lived in st cloud fla. For a bit and felt soaking wet & sticky all the time. But it was swamps everywhere.
  14. I rotate these three by the day, Fadoras Mint medley, Fadoras Apple cider ". Watermelon I'm really hooked on Fadora Vapors
  15. I havent had a good tank so far, the trophy is a leaker, glass spins and juice is all over, in fact all I've had mostly is smok products.. duh! My 30s isn't bad,
  16. I guess One forgets the cold when you see a pair of balds soaring, or a whitetail delivers her fawns on your doorstep.. I love Montana, but then its spring... if you had asked when we got -30 and the house wouldn't get above 53 I might have said different. Lol
  17. That's one place I've never been, is it pretty humid there? I just love the change of seasons, cheap land lots of clean water and well laws that Dont squash ya ..
  18. North Dakota is some miserable country, that I've gotta admit! The oil fields are either frozen or so deep in nasty mud so thick.. but good money, had a friend working in the crows nest running a drill rig and got frozen in, they had to thaw it to let him out. we have the mtns that block alot of the wind chill, but I have had trees go off like shotguns next to me when sap froze... its nice when spring comes and summer. I've been thru some wiland fires though so I guess I've learned to appreciate or tolerate the bad winters better, lol weather means we Dont burn.. I wouldn't mind being a snow bird as I get older. Its sure got its benefits though,
  19. Next summer if all goes well take a vacation.
  20. This morning its beautiful when its green, the moose love that mountain in the background. Coffee, apple cider and a Mt morning cant beat it.. Its calling ya comp...
  21. Woke up to 20° supposed to have a heat wave of 40 today, sun is shining...
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