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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. Haven't ever had a good case of kidney stones yet have ya?
  2. Gatorade is not super, equal gatorade- water is good, I use smart water. Has minerals but not the salt sports drinks have easier to drink and tastes pretty good. Any grocery store....
  3. Both of you be careful, snow high winds, checking into Walmart might be a good idea.
  4. Exactly like having a analog in your mouth. Only think is you'll taste the mint not the Vape. But As a lover of mint... Hate to admit it but in younger yrs, when roping or riding out I'd chew, it was hard to stop!
  5. Hmm guess they just Dont like it here, bummer too, was always nice having baling wire around to fix stuff, and I Dont get to harass josh, this time...
  6. Really they stopped in az pushed baling twine, here ya can't find it, my sisters in pagosa and she was whining about baling wire a while ago...
  7. But as I'm thinking... they Dont make baling wire in these parts anymore either so now we/I get to harass josh, he saved himself tee heee
  8. Ya me too, but I still fight admitting how much older then dirt.
  9. A penny! Then I'd really be older then dirt, let's say a dime, nah a quarter!
  10. I think they have no nic mint chew.. then wouldn't be such a pain, was thinking the pouches being smaller might ease off the feeling of having chaw in there.
  11. Only problem is, Rene (pa) says I'm way calmer...less likely to get fired up! So it could get boring around here.
  12. And Bazooka bubble gum! (Do they still make bazooka or did I just age.myself)
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