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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. Lmao, I hate when something happens like that ya dont get to react there's nothing or no one to hit back, makes ya mad on top of ouch. thank god you wear your glasses, I'm so glad it ,may hurt but your still around to talk about it.
  2. I think my saving grace was you all suggesting the mint right away, woke up everything. Thanks guys.
  3. I will have too, its good, just because of this tastes like iced mint water, I know sounds goofy.. but I can taste spearmint and peppermint, just have to order a big bottle cause ... well cause I want too. I can taste more today so its improving quick.
  4. Ouch! Didn't say any nasty words cause your such a good boy either right (pfft) they hurt, glad ya didn't lose an eye! Have ya got a pretty shiner? Stay away from those winds that swirl k?
  5. Fadoras Mountain Mist, just what I needed I can barely taste it, (can't wait till I can taste again), but what I do taste is dang good!
  6. Hey Josh, I amm feeling better just wish I could taste the vape better, eggs a little bit scrambled (more then normal) but that's kinda expected. I Dont want a analog so that's a bonus, only under strict orders no stress. Lol. How are you son? Weather clearing up?
  7. I'm vaping mountain mist (peppermint & spearmint) its.getting better& thanks so much.
  8. Lol *roll eyes* its okay fishy all in one day but that's a very first ever... gotcha!
  9. Yes but 3x in a lifetime fishy.... giggle
  10. Welcome to VT can't wait to go see the mods...
  11. My eyes are worse then I thought... lol sorry.
  12. Thank you they are, love your picture is that a staffie?
  13. Thanks Wikid, how you feeling?
  14. I'm not letting my mint out of my sight or pocket. Lol, snapped out of the seizure quit, I've got a lot of angels looking after me. Used to have them all the time so once in a while I'll accept that.. just embarrassing and confusing for a bit. The mint worked and I grabbed mint tea gonna go veg for a bit. You guys are the best... Hugs for all of you.
  15. No biggy, poop occurs, just means stress levels too high, but to crave nicotine.. I could smell it, analog burning.. Before a seizure one can get smells and tastes I wonder if its like a brain reaction to a detox or needing the nic stimulation. Either way, it was so minor no harm no foul but I could have really gone off the wagon for a while there. I'm fine now. Taste isn't totally but It will, thanks guys.
  16. I just put in fadoras medley, can't taste it fully but I can taste some now, cravings fading but that was crazy! I tried cinnamon, nothing I can taste the mint sporadically, good news is I live far enough out my temporary lapse in sanity passed due to no transportation. Thanks troy, mint was a good idea.
  17. Today, I had a minor seizure first time in over a year. No big deal, well the big deal is.. afterwards I was tired, couldn't vape it turned my stomach, couldn't taste still can't. The first thing I wanted was a analog, that's insane.. I still have this huge desire to have one, so I'm trying to Vape. I haven't had one of those nasty things since January 23, and that was horrible, only a puff and never to return. Im trying higher nic but doesn't seem to help, its going to be a long grumpy nite I'm afraid, tried coffee thinking wake my brain up like nicotine, not smart. Just a vent maybe I'll just go back to sleep.
  18. Ya no kidding lol, usually my sister could always seen the moon if I couldn't so figured I'd ask.. its supposed to be totally red tomorrow
  19. You get well quick, those can be nasty, hope your feeling better..
  20. Can any of you seebthe moon? Its supposed to be the start of the Blood Moon eclipse tonight The prophecy begins.. Too cloudy here
  21. No worries son, when ya all get here we can getcha re-edjumakated Mt style !
  22. He gets and A+ in physiology! That was a really cool post!
  23. Think of a pump w in balance of mineral in the water ....1 Gatorade - 1 water... Bud light flavored water... or ejuice?
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