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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. Its really fun or was to sit on my folks lanai having a glass of wine watching the golfers, then wed hear "4!!! And get flat & wide as a line drive was heading in, or a pop fly, just too funny Omg your kidding? Sounds like quite the character.
  2. Lol, its okay, its his money his style makes him happy then good on him! Individuality is good.
  3. Probably paid a small fortune for orange golf shoes! Lol
  4. That's what makes the world go round, different strokes...literally in golf.
  5. Lol, with bright orange shoes??? I love knitting argyles but seriously some of the golfers are pretty dayglo, its part of golfing fashion I guess.
  6. Oh good lime green polyester with argyle socks on fishy oh very bad visual...
  7. Ya .. do you wear all the funky colored polyester ???
  8. And they are old... sometimes its pretty funny!
  9. These people get over zealous at times, and some days its hot and the drinks override their swing control...
  10. Lots of broken windows too. They love it, keeps them really active.
  11. Alls fair lol, my.folks live on the course in sun city west, huge.golfers..
  12. Haven't played in years, its good exercise and does take skill,
  13. Every day off analogs is a celebration! Good job congratulations!
  14. You know golfing w tennis balls doesn't count! Shame on you!
  15. Is that what ya call those! .. and now we know why you have a retriever.. that's cheating. Ya golf is fun. Absolutely!
  16. Its fun harassing you in the morning.. better odds at succeeding.
  17. And using a cart??? Fishy exercise is good for you! Pfft
  18. Lol! The yellow ones are easier to see aren't they..
  19. Oh no! You are one of those that walk around w a iron stick smacking lil white balls ... fishy..
  20. Sleep well! See I knew there was something funny ... sheep again! Gnite Josh
  21. As soon as you made him smile and lift his head it was a done deal. He really enjoyed that. Thanks.
  22. I talk to a lot of the guys mostly around here, or listen, give hugs.etc Its pretty easy to tell the ones that were there. Most Dont want to bring it up, its a private thing and that's okay a lot say what you do. Its the truth. But I had a good man tell me, never hide from who you are. I love seeing the walls but my friends keep them pretty private, but you should have one for you.
  23. I Dont know you had the master of sarcasm And comebacks roaring laughing and letting you win.. I think he knew he was whipped.
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