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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. W fadora vapors I bet even the cloves are awesome.. He doesn't steer people wrong.
  2. He needs durable, that's for sure, and I'm waiting for comp to get done playing Easter Bunny to get the juice, I've never tried clove stinkys so have no idea if theyre all clove or ??? Compenstine will know. Boy fishy your awfully well behaved, go smack around any balls today?
  3. I was thinking a spinner, or a vv/vw3, ego, but a cheap decent tank? He will go tnru w it, I see him as a future cloud chaser kinda kid, if he doesn't I'll kick his skinny butt! Happy Easter
  4. Here I go again.. Pa's godson is a heavy smoker sent home from military due to seizure disorder. He used to smoke clove nasties til Mt made them difficult to acquire (yay) but went head over heels into the full blown nasties. He has to stop smoking Drs orders, but he's young and stubborn.. I am hoping to outwit him. I know where to get the clove juice, or mellow spice, (IDK which would be best really) but I need to find a "cool" setup that he can get decent clouds off of. He works w a dang stinky hanging out of his mouth so I need to get the right nicotine mix and all for inexpensive. Ideas please, he's getting too big for me or his mom to beat, or bully into quitting so he's getting a surprise, before the next big seizure strikes. Thanks ahead of time you guys are the best.
  5. Get some rest leaving the mopping we'll get it.later, drive safe son!
  6. Welcome to VT & of course congratulations...
  7. Ah, bet the transition was really rough, but you made it! Especially Halloween lol
  8. Culture - shock, poor kid, where were you from?
  9. I Dont know but with wood heat who knows if it gets worse, other batteries were seemingly draining quick .. aliens?? Gnomes? Zombies, ya that had to be it. I put the water on the wood stove and next day all was fine. Has not done it since.. it was dead cold too though only got to 30 those nights in the cold room.
  10. Got my kpt2 and its fantastic w the VTR, Almost a whole bottle of juice later its still awesome. I vote for kpt 2
  11. You are blessed! Isn't it a great feeling.. Congratations.
  12. Come on only couple more till the guy in the park...
  13. I'll just let pa get pissed off working on the well pump, then din din ....
  14. That second pic gives me the heebs, *nightmares forthcoming*
  15. Applewood smoked wouldn't be bad, without the bacon or the pizza.. eww. tams right some things just should be vaped.
  16. *snicker* Gotcha fishy, ya stepped in it up to your ahh elbows...
  17. Well that too! Was thinking about making FISHY STEW! lmao, city people....
  18. Thought I'd mention it in case, all I care is its fine now. Aren't wives wonderful helping you out that way! Thanks for the input. If you find a genius...
  19. Can't have it back its mine all mine and I love it!
  20. Is it? It says mini pfft I'm just thrilled w it! Vaping my medley Dont have to worry about it leaking out .. gonna be a good weekend! Your the best comp! Thank you!
  21. I got my new kpt 2 mini from fadora vapors, some beautiful de gummed hemp I'm going to spin for wicking... The tank is the perfect tank, its gorgeous and the clouds are awesome no leaking anymore yay! Thanks Comp!!!
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