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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. Thanks Tam, I can't wait! I've tried some nasty ones any w any kind of chocolate or cream in them.. yuck. I haven't tried a lot of vendors either...
  2. Let me know when they get it done please. I would love nice coffee & cream not sludge... I'm so leary of trying sweet stuff I tried vanilla cupcake and nah.. but you are making me think I need to search some of these out... fruits are not doing it spices are good together I like em,
  3. You nasty wench! You Dont talk to people here in that fashion, especially to people trying to help you. You want to throw comments take it off this forum let's have a chat! How Dare you!!!!
  4. And ya have to tell me the definition of a shower bag lol!
  5. It could be good, I got it saved for future use..
  6. If you are a watermelon fan try fadora vapors its the real deal.
  7. I Dont know either, Its hard to defend the position of a "shower bag" tactfully when ya don't know what it means..
  8. Welcome to VT! its a lot nicer here ya just have to watch out for the fishys... oops to late
  9. What a great story full of inspiration that's wonderful! Congratulations!
  10. My other half wasnt thrilled w me spending money or vaping either, he's getting over it, and if he doesn't ask he doesn't get told... he's actually not minding what he calls vape exhause now lol.
  11. Dont take offense, people on here care about fellow vapers. I think he was generally concerned that doing these things could seriously cause harm. These guys have been thru all the issues And walked many thru them. They also Dont want someone destroying their device, nor body parts they've become accustomed too.
  12. I really liked my vivi nova, just afraid I'd crack it too, (can't have that its purple), I just keep forgetting to buy new coils.
  13. Question: did you purchase it w PayPal? If so there may be some options there, send eBay a complaint and copy the warrantee information you have from vendor and copy attempts to contact seller. Sorry there's no more recourse then doing this, which is why I Dont buy anything equipment wise from ebay, its so much nicer if there's a real human to choke out if they Dont honor warranty.
  14. Right, no getting around that, I'm trying to figure if I just got a goof batch. Lowered the nic and cinnamon roll had no flavor per se' figured it was my taste buds but its lighter colored .. same everything else just doesn't have the taste. I think you answered that question. Thanks
  15. That's a good thing! More money more toys, but sometimes silver linings can have a bit of tarnish too.
  16. Oh no those shingle runs are a sure sign. Remember silver linings..
  17. Makes sense it would but guess mine are still bass-ackward
  18. What Are you doing awake at this hour ?????
  19. Peppermint patty- stuck on the mint and chocolate thing at the moment....
  20. 30s that came w it, trophy and Vivi nova.
  21. Ya me too for the most part. I did notice huge color & taste difference (less) in lower nic.so thought I'd ask. Thanks .
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