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Everything posted by Mtdobies

  1. Josh, I have a sinkin suspicion it didnt go well? Eagle, listen to your wife, that's a teeny bit on the dark side eek
  2. Now I know what they are called. Ya they are right up there in bad aren't they.
  3. Eww that will seriously limit choices and deals, and really hurt vendors. How could one get around it?
  4. Well then you both got silver linings .. Pa said hi!
  5. I love the apple cider as a bedtime Vape.... well all the time really...
  6. I hear ya, I'm in the same boat, every penny counts absolutely. I have had to learn the hard way on a very limited income there's price and there is cost. Hopefully Troy can figure it out for you. Hang in there, people here are always helpful, your in the right place now to get the best information thru reliable people.
  7. I kinda wonder if its the other way around. *whispers* Fishy was a drag home...
  8. Its only happening in the cold mornings.. it snowed all night last night again, and it happened w my kpt2 this morning and late last night. I may have to just clean the tank every night. I'm not enjoying the cold anymore and well at 4500ft its always a cold morning, it really affects the juice but I have to say it didnt happen when I used comps juices... hmm Another reason to move south... and buy higher quality.
  9. If its quality stick w it, I upped mine as well again, nic from 6-12 and been doing 18 this week. I was doing the same thing and going thru juice like crazy. Walking around in a fog was real for me lol. So its back up from 6mg. Ugh to figure out all the fine tunings... I can't wait.to try the fuzion
  10. I'm so frustrated w the pg/VG blend stuff. I do like higher VG, but then I end up spending half the morning unplugging my tank to stop the flooding gurgling etc. It gets pretty nippy in here and its all the tanks that do this. Even does it at 50/50 and lower VG. I Dont like high pg so short of sleeping w the dang tank under my pillow I am just frustrated.
  11. Yay dollars Yay No crowbar! We knew he was smart he wants to quit those nasty analogs... and he chose a really good trainer...
  12. I was even thinking of trying an Arnold palmer type juice or making myself in my mix and match way, how do you order yours? Wait I think you said so I'll go back and look and I'll buy a couple of bottle so I can't be sure one will sit and steep...
  13. Okay Im sold. I generally end up buying a lemons and adding to fruit. This sounds perfect. Thank you
  14. Seems fair, but it will be interesting to see how this goes and nice to not have to worry
  15. Is it really tart? I love lemon but some of the raspberry/srawberry lemonades will suck your lips back to your tonsils, not smooth at all. I am going to order some but patience is not a strength as you all have maybe noticed? Wow you like it that much! Thats worth a try and I'll be patient... Argh... but 45 days?????
  16. maybe the wheels are just turning incredibly slow... hope they make it right for ya. But Dont give up, the squeeky wheel gets the grease.
  17. I think its going to be the trial & error for you, but congratulations on the no smokes in the house. Once it starts clicking in its smooth sailing... keep up the good work .
  18. I was.looking at endless summer, that I may have to try...
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